Greetings from Dubai,
This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. I am Mr. Ali Raza Khan, courrently Head of Coporate affairs with a repurable bank here in UA.E. I write you this proposal in good faith, believing that I can trust you with the information I am about to reveal to you.
It goes on to say......
This sum of US$17,500,000.00 have been and placed under dormant/unserviceable account by my bank management since no one have heard from the owner since 2003. If you accept to work with me, I want you to state how you wish us to share the funds in percentage, so that both parties will be satisfied.
Mr. Ali Raza Khan
See.......we are rich................... NO Momma! She deleted it!!!

You know why she deleted it? 'acause the mommies doesn't want us to haf our own money. they wants us to haf to beg for them to buy us foods, and treats, and toys. They doesn't want us to haf monies for singles cruises or taking dates to the movies or anyfing like that. - Miles
Well, that splains it, Miles. Do you know how to check them email? I wuz thinkin I would make a folder called "windfalls" and move them afore she sees them. We get so many, we could share big time with everyone!
mommy controls our email for us - she won't let us haf our own akounts right now. she says we're too "ir-re-spon-sa-ble" to haf our own akounts. She's a humbug. - Miles
Oh I thought it was horrible that your Momma would through away money like that but then Momma said that it was probably not real. Oh well.
We didn't want yu movin to Dubye....
Some people just don't think they could handle having that much money. But they sure could let us kitties have a shot at it. Just think, you could have BOUGHT your own satellite for high speed internet access. But you know, you already ARE rich, even if you don't have squillions in the bank. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Maybe if that number were in treats and not dollars she might have kept it. The Woman has fun with those letters.
I agree with Chase. If people are going to send those e-mails to kitties, they ought to put the amount in treats or cans of stinky goodness. Then it would make more sense.
We kitties talk better than the guy who wrote that!!!!!
If it was a read deal & not a scam Patches could have done some more investing for all of us.
My mom did THE EXACT SAME THING! Think of how rich we could have been...why, we could have had cat condos everywhere. Personally I think my mom was just jealous. Kinda like she won't let me write to any of those lonely Russian ladies looking for a handsome American gentleman like me (they probably have millions to give me, too).
Moms! They take the fun out of everything!
We got this too and my momma deleted it.
Our Mommakitty deleted several of those recently - we could have been gajillionnaires a squillion times over! Hmph!
Compared to you I feel poor. Mum delted one for 2 million dollars. But mum says if she really did it, she wouldn't be able to any crunchies for me or a place for us to live. Yeah, right.
our Lady 'parently won sum innernashunul lottery she neffur entered too. dunno why she didn't want the cash.
Why are people like that? I want to buy Mom & Dad a Christmas present and pennies don't cut it!
Mittens, unlike cats who are universally basically good, humans range from the types who are kind and honest (like your mommy and daddy) and those who are mean and rotten (like the one who sent the email from Dubai). Your mommy is also wise, and she did the right thing. You know, under certain circumstances she could be a fine cat.
Is you still the fy-nan-tial expert, or was that Patches? Imagine the interest that money would haf earned! It would haf been just the boost fur the cat blogger catnip farm.
Aw, well. I guess it's like the birds outside the windows; un-obtainable.
EBay still wants us to Click Here to make paymint arrangmints fur that digital camra Mom's not aposed to know we were buying.
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