Momma said yesterday was the shortest day of the year. It sure seemed the same as all the other days, here in the Big Piney Woods. I took all my required naps, had my love session and nap with Daddy, napped on Momma's lap, had my treats and meals, watched out the window, got pestered by Precious (a lot) and meditated. Same as any other kitty day.
~Patches Lady~
I like that pikshur Patches!!! Yeah, we didn't see any difference eifurr in the day. strange beans.
Hi to our bestest furriend Mittens!!!
it's just something 'bout how many minutes of daylight there were, so don't worry, all in all the day was the same for all of us.
You're such a very beautiful lady cat! Like a work of art. Sounds like you had a nice day.
Humans make such a big deal out of so many things!
Patches, you sure have a beautiful coat!
at our house all the days this week have been furry long cuz the teenagers are home an they've been tiring us out. we're missin' out on nap time an hafta sleep ::shudder:: AT NIGHT!
You are a beautiful kittie, gorgeous markings.
Well I can only say that the sun has really disappeared over here in England! And I miss my sun spots.
Merry Christmas to you & your family!
Sounds like you had a wonderful kitty day.
The Woman is freakishly happy that the days will be getting longer now. If she's happy, I'm happy. Well, no, not really, but it sounded good...
It was a cloudy, rainy day here. So I couldn't really tell the difference either.
Merry Christmas to all in the Big Piney Woods.
Sounds like a perfect kitty day.
That's a cute pictor, Patches. I didn't realize you had so much white fur. I like white fur. My Mom said it was a short day, too, an I sure didn't notice any change. Maybe it's anofur lost hour/extra hour fing. Beans is weird.
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