Today it has been a years since Momma started this blog for
me us. We have had a lot of fun, and met so many wonderful kitties. When we started, there were about 40 of us, now there are so many, we have lost count, but I would guess 200. So many, we don't even have time to visit everyone each day. Here's to many more blogging years!!
Love you all! Purrs and headbutts....
The Big Piney Woods Cats
Congratulations, ladies! Yours is the first blog we read daily.
We like to learn about your adventures in the Big Piney Woods.
Oh happy blogiversary! I remember finding you and being so happy that there were such nice calico cats out there!
Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!! We could not get frough a day wifout reading your blog!
You are my first blog of the morning. And what a year it has been for everyone. For you girls, with not feeling good, new girl in the house, and Moma with her health problems... then there is the extented family of bloggers, their health... and not to be forgotten the ones who went to the Rainbow Bridge... So we have had tears, and also great happiness. And reading about the fun sleep overs you all have had...
So congratulations, Moma being... and all of you girls.. and of course we can't forget the girl's Poppa.. after all he is the only guy in the company of all of these girls... lol..
Looking foreward to years to come..
Hi Patches and Mittens. It is very nice to meet you. I love Calico cats!
We read you first thing in the morning too!!! We guys have a crush on all you girls, you know...
Congratulations on your 1st blogiversary and in being one of the standard setters to which many of us look for example but could never emulate.
And in being such nice fun kitties that we all WANT to read about your adventures.
Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Congratulations on your first anniversary of blogging. I read your site all the time, even if I don't leave a comment. Where can my mother read more of your poems?
Congratulashuns to the byootiful ladies of the Big Piney Woods. We love yore blog and the pikchers and the pomes and the sleepovers and the Catolympics and efurrything!
Love Finny & Buddy
It's amazing how big the cat blogging community has gotten. I blogged for a long time before I found Timothy Dickens and Prince Muddy. And that was all I could find! Now look! It's a bajrillion times more fun now!
Congratulations - I'm with Max. I remember when there was just 15 of us. Then the Calico Girls came - we had a huge nap party and now there are so many new friends!
Have some lobster and stay warm Ladies.
Sophia, Fiona, Orlando & DKM
Happy Blogiversary. The cat blogging werld just wouldn't be the same wifout having met all you girls and yur speshul Calico Mom & Dad. The big piney woods seems to be a sort of center of the werld of peace and all things catlike.
Happy Blogaversary guys!
Patches, you and your sisters are one of our favorites!! Anytime we get the chance to sneak on for a few minutes, we have to come visit the Piney Woods and see what's hoppin.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
A tuna water toast and concatulations to all in the Big Piney Woods. We have enjoyed your furiendship and adventures over the past year.
Looking forward to another year filled with wonderful stories.
and here's to the next year!!
Happy bloggin-versary! We's so glad we met you kitties!
Happy Blogiversary. I really enjoy reading about your adventures.
Happy Blogiversary!! Isn't it neato how many of us there are?! It's such fun.
Happy blogiversary Day!! Hope it was a good one. We all loves you girls too!
Happy Blogiversary, Girls! Thank you for contributing so much to the world of kitty blogging, and for being such nice poodins and beans. Your blog is always the first poodin blog I check every day. I look forward to many more years of adventures at the Big Piney Woods.
Happy Blogiversary, the cat blogging world would be less without the calico girls in the piney woods. We read you every day, we just don't comment sometimes (cuz momma does it from work and she doesn't wanna get in trouble).
And a Happy Blogiversary from us, too. My human knows what you mean about getting so busy and so many kitty blogs that it's impossible to visit as many in a day as you'd like to. Anyway, drop by when you have time and we'll do the same for you. Merry Christmas from our home to yours.
Happy belated blogiversary! When we first saw yur blog, we didn't know you was new like us. Our link list has 250 sites, but sum hafn't updated in awhile (cat got yer tongue?) an sum are bloggers who sumtimes let the kitties write. So many! Keep up the good werk; you 4 are the most beautiful girls I know (after my sweet Emmy in CO).
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