Momma is issuing another challenge. This time, you must answer questions about us. The first person to answer them correctly wins $25 to the animal charity of their choice, or some furless one or kitty who needs help with medical bills. Please post your answers in the comments.
1. Three of us have pink noses, one has black. Who has the black nose.
2. What state do we live in?
3. One of us has extra toes, who is it?
4. We live in a cabin the the Big___________________ (fill in the missing two word)
5. One of us lives outside, who is it?
6. Who was the first one to call this her furrever home?
7. Who is pictured above?
8. Who is the youngest?
UPDATE: Finnegan and Buddy are the winners. Because The Meezers came in so close behind, we decided on second place of $15.00. Both of you need to email us and tell us where to send the donation. We want to post that tomorrow.
Note from Momma:
I spent all day trying to sign comments, only to have them be rejected. I do have a google email and did get a few comments posted. So far, I don't like the new improved version and won't be switching unless they make me.
Ohhhh, what fun! Even if we don't win, it's a fun contest.
Miss Mittens has the black nose
You live in Idaho
Miss Mittens Pollypaws has extra toesies (and she won the Pawtrait contest viewers' choice becos of them!)
You live in a cabin in the Big Piney Woods
Miss Mistrie Rose lives outside
Miss Patches was the first to come to live there (we think)
That's Miss Mistrie in the charming Santa hat
Miss Precious Flower is the youngest
Whew! That was fun! How did we do?
1. our bestest furriend Mittens
2. You lif in Idaho
3. Our bestest furriend Mittens
4. Piney woods
5. Miss Mistrie lives outside
6. Miss Patches was the ferst one
7. Miss Mistrie is looking beautiful in the hat!
8. Precious is the littlest.
YAY!!! That was fun
Oh the Meezers gotted them all right! I think they are the winners!
See I knewed the answers too! I had to look at the photos for #1 though...
I knew the answers too!!! Good job Meezers! You two are always on top of things. I really love how everyone is donating to charities because of these challenges!!
Oh... it looks like Finnegan & Buddy have the answers as well as the Meezers. What a fun challenge - we will think up one.
Mistrie is pretty in her santy hat.
We've been trying to post all over too & getting frustrated! Mom got the offer to switch to the betablogger but turned it down.
Aww Mistrie, you look so purrty in that Santa hat. :)
Ok....we have a winner! Finnegan and Buddy. No, Momma says two winners......she is giving the Meezers second place, which is $15. (She said they were the two who answered the questions, both right, and were really close in time)
1. Mittens has the black nose (very pretty as well).
2. Idaho, or right now the "State of Winter."
3. Miss Mittens.
4. You live in the Big Piney Woods.
5. Miss Mistrie Rose.
6. We should really know this ... Miss Patches. If we miss this question, shame on us because we're good fur-friends.
7. Miss Mistrie Rose.
8. Miss Precious Love is the youngest.
If we're not first with correct answer, that's OK. It was a fun contest. And, we didn't peek at the other answers.
Gosh, we're just getting around to readin' everyone and already there's a winner? Mom!!!!
Yeah, blogger's been a real pain in the butt recently haven't they? We aren't switching to beta either, unless they force us to!
Don't feel badly. Even with a gmail account and new beta blog I've been having problems commenting too. *sigh*
Good contest, BTW and congrats to Finny, Buddy, Sammy, and Miles.
Good fur yu Finny, Buddy, Miles and Sammy!!
We agrees wif yur Momma...we won't be switching to Beta eifer.
We also likes Haloscan fur comments. No problems, furry easy.
oh crud. my Mom just got home and turned the computer on. i knew all the answers but I was too late!! (my Mom is tellin' me not to be a contest hog, whatever that is)
Now that it's ofur, switching to beta wasn't hard. But I got Mom's Blogger account and Mom losted Bonnie's profile. The only problem we're hafin now is rememberin the new log-ins. And a few blogs haf been sooper slow when we post a comment, but we wait patiently an it gets there... eventually.
oh, how fun, and what a good idea! too bad we got here so late. Congratulations to the winner(s)!!!
Yeah, I don't get to read the bloggies that early. So I knew all the answers too. Concatulations to Buddy, Finnegin and the Meezers.
Oh Mistrie is so cute in the Santa hat and snow.
Oh boy, concatulation Finny, Buddy, Sammy and Miles and the Meezers too. Momma says she 'polojizes fur startin our blog on beta. In her defense, she dint know any better. But she's happy as long as she can reed effuryone elses blog.
Mistrie, that's a lovely hat
Oh gosh, I hope Mistrie isn't mad at you now Toni. Gree got mad at me for the Wacky Wednesday post and she said she was going to see Mistrie and wasn't coming back til next year. :/ I hope she got there ok! Please look after Gree and tell her I'm sorry, I didn't realize it would upset her. It's ok if she stays and visits with Mistrie, but I wanted to be sure she's ok.
Thanks :)
Mom Robyn
I'm always late for the fun stuff :(
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