~Patches Lady~
Now we need to pass it on to five cat blogs we consider good friends. Well, there are so many, way more than 5, way more than 50, more than 150 efunn. All the cats in the cat blogosphere deserves this award, it was impossible to pick just five!
~Patches Lady~
1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
28 Muffin
1 Rascal
Yesterday, Momma wented to the malebox, and there was a package, all addressed to me, from my Beezie.
Oh, this nip is primo!! I am not going to tell Patches about all my treasures (the card said sumfing about sharing.) Thank you so much, Beezie. You are such a thoughtful mancat!
~Precious Flower~
1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun
1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
10 Blackie (Blackie's blog isn't eligible for a prize, as it is a human, there is no cat. The following is a quote from his profile "I DO NOT OWN ANY CATS."
28 Muffin
1 Rascal
I am sitting on my tunnel that leads to the woodshed. Thanks Momma for making steps for me. Momma bisits me efurry day, but it is a tight squeeze, and she has to bend ofurr, or she hits her noggin.
~Mistrie Rose~
Snow Report: At least another 8 inches fell last night. We are in for a warmup, hopefully, this is the end of the heavy snow, should start to melt some. ..Calicomom Toni
Momma took this picher yesterday. As you can see, there is more snow now. I will be posting a fresh picher efurry Monday morning, until it is all gone, and we have a winner. The entrants are in the post below. From now on, each Monday, I will post the list of entrants.
Weather report: 3 inches last night, huge storm coming in for Tuesday and another on Wednesday, more the rest of the week. Record snow now, Wallace, Idaho has 12 feet, and they are in the valley!!
~Precious Flower~