My friend Sue, who lives in the UK and signs sometimes as English Daisy, needs your support, thoughts, and purrs for Little Felix, her outside tuxedo kitty.
She wrote me the following yesterday:
"Been out this morning, and came home to find the front kennel (where we left Little Felix asleep in when we went out) has been split in two, well the roof part, and one of my clay pots smashed to bits, and black fur all over the grass, and the inner bedding in the kennel all ruined. And no little Felix. I feel sick. I suspect she was sound asleep and somehow a dog found its way up there, though why a dog should be in our garden, and find the kennel which is hidden by large pot plants, I don't know. Can't find her anywhere, she isn't answering to our call, and the slate roof looks like it's erupted outwards from inside, so she was probably trapped inside it, woken by the dog and burst out through the roof, breaking the slate and shooting off the piece of timber across the top of the roof. Doesn't look like it's been broken by an animal landing on top of it. I just hope she isn't badly injured somewhere."

Here is a picture of the nice kennel they had built for her, safe and sound, next to the house. Little Felix is like our Mistrie, an outside cat, who would have it no other way.
~Calicom Mom Toni~
*NOTE* Mom heard from Sue that Little Felix had been spotted on a wall, but is too scared to come close.