You can see how sweet I am. I even gave Momma a Ma-saj with my tosies on her back, to help with tenshuns.
~Precious Flower~
You can see how sweet I am. I even gave Momma a Ma-saj with my tosies on her back, to help with tenshuns.
~Precious Flower~
Momma found a couple more pictures of the cutie-pies. Paige, theMeezerMommawhomarriedtheoldestboy, says even she is having truble telling them apart.
Happy Memorial Day!
Bonnie Big Eyes, the other Meezer twin.
I am showing her I am the boss of the Inside Girls. Pretty impressive, don't you think?
~Precious Flower~
Mistrie Rose was tagged by China, and she asked me to type the following answers for her:
1. I am, and always will remain, outside. I love it and have no desire to come in, although I love seeing the other girls through the screen.
2. I came three years ago and hid out in the woodshed. Daddy told Momma about me and she started feeding me.
3. I play with the fairies here in the Big Piney Woods.
4. I got my name because Momma says I am a mystery and my nose is a dusty rose color.
5. I have five beds (four in the winter.) Two blankets up in the wood shed, one on either end; a nice big bed Daddy made for me that is completely enclosed and insulated; a smaller bed Momma made for me that is insulated and is in Hemlock Haven and a bed on the deck in the nice weather, so I can look inside or turn around and look at the pond.
6. I bring Momma micey presents.
7. I am a torbie girl who has been spayed. I love to purr and headbutt and even give love nips.
~Mistrie Rose~
(As told to Patches)
I know everyone has probably been tagged, but if you haven't go ahead and play.
Here are the rules. Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
Momma is starting something new on our blog. It is going to be called Flower Friday. Maybe others would like to join in. She says she has lots of pretties to share.
We have all been tagged for the meme. Momma is helping us, and we will be posting them, starting tomorrows.
~Patches Lady~