Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hello Meezers!

Hello, my name is Patches, what is your name?
Momma is this Bonnie Big Eyes, or Molly Mew?

I think I will just stay in here for a while.
There are three, no four big cats around this place!!

Note from Momma: I have them confined to the bathroom and let them out from time to time. One is very nosey, the other very timid. When Precious met one, she hissed, the first time I have ever heard her do that. The little Meezer growled and growled. I can't tell them apart.

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Meezers Are Coming!

I heard Momma telling Daddy the Meezers (our cousins) will be here any minute now! I know tomorrow there will be pichers and noos.

I guess they have new names. They are now called Bonnie Big Eyes and Molly Mew!!! I can't wait to see them!!!

~Precious Flower~

Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Is Up?

Something strange is going on. I have heard whispers between Momma and Daddy, about kittensitting. Momma said something about Meezers, that is all I know. I am furry worried.
I know whatever it is, it is happening amarrow.

~Patches Lady~

Monday, March 26, 2007

March Is Flying

Momma said March is flying by, so I am watching for it. She didn't say if it had wings, but I am assuming, because it can fly, it does.

~Precious Flower~

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Do Not Assurb

Patches went upstairs, while I stayed under the dining room table, meowing and meowing for her. She wouldn't answer me at all, so I decided to go up and see what she was doing; well, she was sleeping, so, here I am, upstairs, waiting for her to wake up. See what a good girl I am not to assurb her? Momma says go ahead and assurb her because she assurbs Momma and Daddy at 3:00 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time ina morning.

~Precious Flower~

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Mittens: (thinking) What is Squirt doing up here?
Patches: (thinking) I suppose she is going to attack me as my back is turned.
Precious: (thinking) I think I will attack Patches because her back is turned.
Momma: (thinking) I never thought I would get them all in the same picture.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Fairy Viewing

What: Fairy Viewing
Where: Big Piney Woods by stump in picher
When: Today, Friday Sept. 23
What time: Dawn to dusk

Many of you made comments about the fairies in the Big Piney Woods, so we decided to invite one and all to come over for a fairy viewing. For those of you new to fairies, remember to sit furry still, (easy for us cats) don't even move a whisker; they are furry shy at first. You can tell they are around by seeing a shadow, hear an unexplained noise, or feel a breeze on your face when the air is still, smell the scent of a flower when you aren't in a garden, or feel a presence.

We picked this stump because we have seen fairies in it afore. If you see one, please leave a comment and let efurrycat know what you saw.

~Patches Lady~

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fairies In The Forest

Deep in the Big Piney Woods is a fairy house. Mistrie loves to play with them and they love and protect her. Anyone can get fairies to stay, if they have a place for them to live. Ours is gnarly roots from a tree that toppled over eons ago, left to weather and grow moss and lichen.

Some things you need to get a fairy house started:

A stump, or piece of driftwood with places they can hide.
Mushrooms or toadstools, for tables and chairs.
Dried leaves, for flooring and to make their beds.
A quiet place, they hate noise, although they love wind chimes.
Ferns are nice; they like to hide under their shade, but not necessary.
They love flowers, especially pansies.
A gazing ball is nice, but not necessary.
You will know when they are inhabiting their house as there will be lots of butterflies around.

~Patches Lady~

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Day Late

Spring arrived today
The sun is high above
Days are longer still
We hear the mourning dove

Spring arrived today
Soon the geese will nest
We hear the robin's song
As the sun sets in the west

Spring arrived today
Momma says it's so
The sun is warm upon the soil
As green things start to grow

~Precious Flower~

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Abby said, in my comments yesterday, "When I look at your pictures now and compare them to the way you were when you just came to live your Mom and Dad, I can't believe the difference. You have blossomed into a magnificient girl."

A week after my rescue; (I was a tiny girl.)

Six months later; (I am a big girl, now.)

~Precious Flower~

Monday, March 19, 2007

More Trouble

I guess I killed the lamp. Momma said the bulb is "shot." I only pushed it a little with my pawsie, then it lost it's balance and fell. Momma came tearing up the stairs and called me ~Squirtwhathaveyoudonenow~. She didn't put me in time-out, I guess she gave up on that.

I am going to look furry remorseful.
OK.....I think it is time to attack the roni!!!!

~Precious Flower~

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Probably Not

If your Momma is standing with her back to you, it probably isn't (no, I can almost guarantee it isn't) a good idea to use her leg as a scratching post. Now I am in time-out.

My new name is:

~Precious Flower~

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007


Patches: Momma, look at this mess!!!

Precious: It isn't a mess. I killed the roni and ate some of it!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Grooming The Grasses

I am watching and waiting for Momma and Daddy to come inside. They took big combs and brushes today; they are grooming the grasses. They are setting the piles of stuff they pick up on fire!!! They come in smelling like smoke and sweat, so they jump into the big rain box. They say, when they come out, they feel like new people. I kinda like the old people.

It got so warm and then it rained, taking all that white stuff, turning it into water. We see green!!!!

~Precious Flower~

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Words Of Wisdom

Listen up bloggers......this means you!
The following was sent to us by Engish Daisy's Mom Sue. Now quite your computing!!

1. "Computers, in the future, may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." -- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949.

2. "I think there is a world market for, maybe, five computers."-- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

3. "I have traveled the length and breadth of this country, and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." -- The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957.

4. "But what ... is it good for?"-- Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968,commenting on the microchip.

5. "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." - Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital EquipmentCorp., 1977.

~Precious Flower~

Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday Mews

Here are some odds and ends, bits and pieces, of news from the Big Piney Woods:

Mittens is feeling fine. She thanks efurrycat for their well wishes.
The snow is melting fast, spring has sprung and now the sky is dripping a lot.
Momma figured out what was wrong with the Daylight, and it is working now. (A box wasn't checked that was apposed to be, in the adjust time zone settings. She is wondering how that happened to get unchecked because it has always worked afore.)
Mistrie came through the winter fat and sassy.
Precious only plays with macaroni and real live mothy miller bugs that come in on the wood.
Precious still give me fits, as she follows me all ofer and chases me, and bats my tail.
I saw a fairy yesterday in Momma's flower bed.

~Patches Lady~

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mistrie Update

The snow on the benches of the back deck has melted off, so Mistrie is having fun running back and forth. The snow is still deep on the back deck, mainly due to the fact it slides off the roof, and piles up there. There is about a foot of snow left on the flat, although bare ground is showing under the trees. It is in the 40's and 50's every day now, and there are hundreds of robins around with the smell of spring in the air. Today it is supposed to hit 60!!!

~Patches Lady~

Pee Ess: Momma downloaded the patchy thing from Microsoft to change our clock on this here computer, but it is still an hour off. Now the question, does she change it, or wait for three weeks and let it change itself?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 09, 2007

Short Story

I wrote a short story several years ago, about two kittens and their adventures, and put it on my main website. I am sharing the link, today, with you. There is button that says next page at the bottom, the story is only four pages long. Just follow the link below. It is a story for children, but adults will enjoy it as well.

~CalicoMom Toni~

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Patches(knockitoff) Here

The moon was shining brightly in the windows. It looked almost like day, making me want to howl. It happens you know, wanting to howl, even though I am a girl, and a Queen at that. I knew I would get in 33 1/3 kinds of trouble if I made much noise, so I jumped on Mittens, who was cuddled up by Momma. She got all freaky and stupid, growly and hissy. Of course, Momma woke up, and even before she knew what was really going on she yells, really loud, one of her names for me; Patchesknockitoff. Mittens went running like a wild woman under the rocker. Everything, of course, is ALWAYS, automatically MY fault. Well, if you are going to get blamed for something, you may as well do it. I think some famous person said that; if they didn't, they should have.

~Patches Lady~

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mittens Here....

I just wanted to let you all know that I am OK. Please don't worry about me. Momma is so good to me, never gets mad, even when I make bad messes. She pets me, hugs me, and snuggles me, and talks to me, looking deep into my green eyes, that she says are so lovely. She breaks out the paper towels, and Nature's Miracle, and Woolite, or tosses the bedding in the big growling machine. Sometimes I see a tear in her eye, and that makes me sad, because this has been such a wonderful life, and I am hoping to be around a long time..

She says, if need be (I stress so bad at TED's) she will take me back in, right now she is going to wait and see.

To all my dearest furriends.......I want to thank you all for coming yesterday, it was wonderful; so nice to be so loved by so many. I appreciated all the nice treats, and sorry I couldn't eat any, but my diet is furry strict.

~Mittens Pollypaws~

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Yes, I am sweet and yes, Patches likes to pick on me. Here I am, sitting by the A-frame. You can see how I have sharpened my nails on it, like the good girl I am, not like somecat (Precious) who sharpens on the good furniture. Now Momma has put ugly silver strips on the edges, after the orange spray didn't work too well.

I haven't been doing as well as before. Momma thinks it is hairballs (partly, anyway.) Thanks for your concern. Maybe time for a visit to T.E.D.

~Mittens Pollypaws~

Monday, March 05, 2007

My List

Momma said I could finally post my list. We have been tagged over and over and read efurryone elses. Momma said I could make the list, as I am the baby.

A. places you have lived
1. With some mean furless one, who disgarded me.
2. In the Corner Woods, till Momma found me
3. In The Big Piney Woods, in the cabin, furrever to stay.

B. Four things I love to watch
1. Patches tail swishing
2. Patches trying to hide from me
3. Patches trying to run from me
4. Anything Patches

C. places I have been outside my home
1. In the metal monster
2. In the vet office having my gardenladiectomy

D. Four websites I visit daily
1. The Cat Blogosphere
2. All the cat blogs I can get to
3. Netflix to help Momma order movies
4. Weather, to see if more white stuff is going to fall

E. my favorite foods.
1. My crunchies
2. Patches crunchies
3. Mittens crunchies (although Momma puts them up)
4. Popcorn and saltine crackers

F. Four places I would rather be right now
1. In a sunny spot, but it is raining
2. Snuggling with Patches
3. On my bed in my room, looking out the window
4. Making biscuits on Momma's boobs

G. Four toys I have owned and played with
1. My fever toy
2. Soft balls
3. A piece of dry (large) macaroni
4. Little bugs that are REAL

H. Four nicknames people call me
1. Squirt
2. Squirt of my Squirt
3. Fuzz Butt
4. Know

I. Regarding catnip
Not interested, maybe when I get older

J. Regarding cat grass
Had my share when I lived in the Corner Woods, so pass on that

K. First things I buy after winning the lottery
1. A wonderful cat sanctuary, complete with vet care 24/7, wonderful beds and rooms, no cages
2. Good health for Momma and Daddy (they say you can't buy that, but I heard money can buy anything).

L. Four things I do besides eat sleep and litter box
1 .Pester Patches
2. Chase Patches
3. Watch Patches
4. Bat Patches

M. Things I want to do this summer
1. I have spent enough time outside in the summer, happy to sit in a window or open door and appreciate the good life.

N. My four most prized possessions that have limited value to anyone else
1. My bed perch in my bedroom
2. My piece of macaroni
3. My fever toy
4. My sharp nails (although Momma isn't happy about that one.)

O. What I am going to do before tomorrow
1. Pester Patches
2. Chase Patches
3. Watch Patches
4. Bat Patches

P.Which of the following is your favorite place to hide and play
1. Under the bed
2. Under the skirt of the little round table
3. Under the chair, but I am too big to get all the way under

Q. Other pets that Mommy has had with me
1. Patches
2. Mittens
3. Mistrie

OK, guess efurrycat has played, but if you haven't it is a lot of fun, so go for it.

~Precious Flower~

Sunday, March 04, 2007


It took a long time, but.....

finally Patches lets me sleep by her.

~Precious Flower~


Here is what our names mean, according to Quiz Gallery.

Patches Lady --[noun]:
A human transformer (Robot in disguise)

Mittens Pollypaws --[noun]:
A person who is a master of making ravioli

Mistrie Rose --[noun]:
A person who makes a living suing celebrities

Precious Flower --[adjective]:
Sexually stunning

New cat blog.......come visit and welcome THE SPOILED CAT BLOG.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Our Bad Experience

When I first started, over a year ago, I had a terrible incident when our blog was highlighted on a local newspaper (in a good way.) Some people, who read the tribute to us, made jokes and got real nasty, talking about crazy cat bloggers. I got criticized for the spelling, bad grammar, etc. (I actually went through the whole blog, correcting spelling and grammar. It took me half a day, I was so hurt.) It was so upsetting I couldn't eat or sleep for days. Now I am so glad I didn't let this incident make me delete my blog, it would have been such a loss to me.

I read enough of the voting to see why people are upset, but it isn't catastrophic enough to make you stop blogging. Things got out of hand, yes. I guess that is why, when I do a contest, I specify cat bloggers only, one vote only, etc.

Those of you who quite because of this, we will miss you. The rest of you.......your cats are waiting to post and we are waiting to read what they have been up to!!!

Mu shue Pooh King Cat had a great idea. We need to each put out our paws and hug four other kitties. So we hug:
The Meezers
Max and Buddah

Just my two cents, for what it's worth......
CalicoMom Toni

Pee Ess: Back to regular cat blogging tomorrow!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Our Squillions

Our Squillions are named Cloudy and Sunny. We adopted them from Bonnie and Victor last summer. They have been a wonderful addition to The Big Piney Woods Cats. Here they are on the dryer, helping Momma with the clothes.

When they first came, it was warm and nice outside, so Momma put them in a special spot in the flower garden. However, panic ensued when she couldn't find them anywhere. It seems they went visiting Mistrie in Hemlock Haven, and were subsequently grounded. I think they like it inside now, they would be buried under the ton and a half of snow we have.

Sorry this is late, Momma says "always a day late and a dollar short." She meant to help us with this yesterday, but the big storm of the century rolled in.

~Patches Lady~

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Is It REALLY March?

I know, many of you have flowers poking up, even blooming. Many of you have green grass and buds on tree, and birds chirping about how glad they are it is spring. Well, we don't care. We don't want to hear about it! Don't tell us it is raining at your place, like that will make us feel better. So, don't bother telling us, cuz we will ignore you.

The white frozen stuff fell from the sky for 24 hours, and when it was done, it was 3 cats high (about 12 inches.) Mistrie is confused and thinks winter has started up all over again. Daddy is outside with the big growling monster tossing the white stuff from one side to another. Momma is going out with a big spoon to clear the walkway. We are going to nap.

~Patches, Mittens, Precious~