It is especially happy for two kittens from the shelter, here. Before the Big Lady Daughter left, her and Momma went to the shelter yesterday, and she picked out two girl kitties to take home to Winnemucca, Nevada. (Sadly, there is no kitty shelter there.) Of course, Momma got attached and hated to see them leave, but she said they couldn't have gotten a better furrever home.

Big Lady Daughter has always had black and tuxedo kitties, so was looking for another color with short hair, however when this little black long-haired darling climbed on her leg and snuggled and purred into her neck, she took her immediately. Her shelter name is Queen, but that will change. They said she was 3 months, but Momma thinks she is younger.

Big Lady Daughter then looked at the rest of the kittens. There was a litter of six (one had been adopted) of all various colors. After much debating she chose the dilute calico. She is a purr machine also, and Momma says quite the climber and runner. Her shelter name is Petunia, and that, also, will change. They said she was 3 months old also, but much larger than Queen.

The pictures are a bit blurry because these kittens are "on the go." Last night, they discovered toilet paper and how to knock things off the window sill!
~Patches and Precious~