At first I was afraid of my Daddy. He was big and he kind of reminded me of the Bad Man that dropped me off when I was going to have kittens, in the Corner Woods, where Momma found me. He spoke soflly to me for many days, but I still ran. Then...........he started to PLAY with me! He had a bookmark with a tassle on it, and he would spend hours moving it around and I would bat it and pull on it, and he would laugh, and I knew, then, he was a good man. He is my play buddy now. I sit behind him on the couch and touch his ear so he knows I am there and in a "playing mood." I pulled the tassle off, so Momma bought me a fev-ver on a stick! It is the bestest toy ever. Daddy calls me his "play cat." I can tell, he loves me, too!
Precious, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't love you. aren't fev-ver wands the bestest!! I loves them so much! - Sammy
Hi to our bestest furriend Mittens!
Hi Patches and Mistrie!!! Haf a good weekend!
I LOVE fev-vers, too! My Mum got me one to play with last night and it was great. You've got him trained well!
You must keep Calico Mom and Day really busy wif all yur playing. That's what makes us so fun to have around.
That looks very fun Precious. Play time is the one time I like the human male!
It sounds like you found a good family!
It is so nice that you have someone to play with. And we understands about being afraid of the man-bean. Bubbles does not like beans much (except for Mom), but he especialy does not like man-beans. Some bad man-bean must have done something very awful to him.
Yu look like yu is havin lots of fun wif yur Daddy. I can see he is a furry nice man. I bet he loves yu and loves playin games wif yu. Ya knoos dat is dah way yu can tell that Daddys' love yu.
Abby (Still tryin to decide if my Daddy loves me)
Our daddy plays too. Mom is more of the cuddler type.
PS: Mom used to have a bunch of those tassle bookmarks. But between us kitties and the guinea pigs who gnaw on anything, hers are all ruined. They are just too tempting11!!
It's fun to haf yer dad play wiv yoo, an owrs plays fev-vers wiv us. Today we took him furr a walk rownd the feelds cuz mum wuz bizzy wiv the horsies. We made shoor he kept close to us so's he didn't get lost, an we showed him all the bunny holes.
How nice that you aren't scared of your dad. Furry good that you can spend your day playing and not being out in the cold.
See Precious, everybody at this house in the Big Piney Woods loves cats. You can trust them, and see how much fun you can have when you do!
What a great picture. She is so happy.... and so is Dad now.
Aw, who couldn't love you, Precious?
Oh, I am so glad that you got over being afraid of your Dad and now can have so much fun with him.
Well, of course he loves you - who wouldn't?
Dear Precious, you are one lucky girl!!
Oh, so sweet! Daddies are the bestest.
~ nala
are you girls gonna enter Skeezix's contest an nominate yur daddy an yur momma? you should - bof of 'em, cause they's bof wonnerful
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