**UPDATE** 9:30 AM....The vet called, Mittens has been rehydrated. She will be given special food and anti-vomiting medicine, and her weight monitored. Time has been set for 1:30 PM PST to pick her up.
**UPDATE** Mittens here.....I am home! It is so good to be back in my furrever home and I am feeling much better. They poked and prodded me, checking my blood and my pee. My lady vet said it could be a viral infection, but probably hypersensitivity to food, so I am eating Purina EN and getting two doses of liquid meds a day. When Momma let me out of the carrier, I didn't even hide, like I usually do. I recognized my favorite place, the walk in closet. Momma had given my blue bed a washing and put a litter box in there for just me, with my food and water. She says I need to stay in here for a while; if she lets me out, she has to take Patches and Precious' food and put it up and I can't have any stinky goodness!!! But, the best part is, I am home!!

Oh no, we didn't know Mittens was pawly. We reely hope she is going to be ok. We will say our prayers furr her. We hafn't been able to get on the compooter acos we's locked in the garij, but we's found we cud teleport in to the house an we managed to turn the compooter on. We will try an do it again befurr the beans come home.
YAY!!!! We sneaked out and teleported ofurr to see Mittens last night for a couple of minutes to make shur she was not too scared. Then we visited Patches, Mistrie and Precious for a few minutes too. We can't wait for our bestest furriend to get home!
We are so glad that Mittens will be okay! Give her kisses for us when she gets home!
So glad to hear that Mittens is on the mend.
Huggs and Headbonks, The Mitz
We're so glad that Miss Mittens is going to be OK. We don't like to hear about our friends being sick.
We're sending purrs and headbutts your way.
Take care, beautiful kitty!
What a relief. I know everyone will be glad to have her back home.
Oh we hopes it is just a food allergy. We likes Solid Gold and Momma thinks that is made from lamb but it has no wheat, soy or dairy and it's all organic--so it's furry healthy for cats with allergies.
We are glad she is coming home today. We bet you missed her terribly ToniMom. Mom says she does when we are gone like that, even for a day.
We are glad to to hear that Mittins is feeling a little better. We hope a change in food wil do the trick.
Poor Mittens. I went thru the same fing almost a year ago. I was stressed out an my beans thot I wasn't eatin or drinkin enuf. The vet used ivy to rehydrate me, so I had a bare patch on my leg! And the vet had sumone named Ray take pictors of my insides.
I hope you feel lots better soon. Maybe yur vet didn't shave yur leg - it's so insultin! I don't fink the hair grew back right.
I hope yur feelin much, much better an continue to feel better. You still owe me a walk in the light of the moon, Calico Girl!
YAY - she's comin home soon! we'll be checkin back later fur the report.
YAY Mittens is home!!!!! Too bad about not hafing stinky goodness, but at least you're HOME!!
o, i'm so glads ur is home, now, Mittens, 'n very glad u is well.
Yay mittens I am sos happy you gots to go home now. You are so brave to have gone to the vet to be prodded and poked. I hope you can get stinky goodness soon.
told ya we'd be back! we're furry glad yur home an we shure hopes the meddy-sin an new food will take care of all yur purroblems! purrrrrrs!
yea Mittens, you take it easy and don't eat any food your not 'sposed to. you'll feel better soon with your Mom takin' good care of you!
I am very happy that you are in your home, precious Mittens.
A lot of Pursssssss and kisses of sandpaper!
We're so glad you're home, Miss Mittens!
It's too bad about the Stinky Goodness but it's more important that you get well!
Kisses, purrs and headbutts to the kitties at the Big Piney Woods.
Tilly and Toby
It's soo good to know that you're home where you belong! Hope you're feeling much better real soon! -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
So furry happy that you are home and feeling better. Take care and eat your special food so it helps you feel 100 purrcent.
Yeah! We are furry glad you are home Mittens. Do you want me to come by and visit with you or would you rather rest? I can bring over my favorite quilt and we can snuggle.
We're so glad that you are home Mittens! Keep rested and you'll be feeling just fine in no time.
Then I will be over to snuggle soon! Be well.
We're glad to see that Mittens is home and is gonna be OK!!! Woohoo!
~Meeko, Kiara, & Emmy
Hi Mittens! We're all glad you're back home :) Mini said to tell you she liked the Hill's digestive food better than the Purina EN but she thinks she's probably weird. hehehe We never have stinky goodness anyways except once in a blue moon as a treat, so it's possible to learn to enjoy just crunchies (or semi-mooshies). We'll keep purrin for you to feel allllllllllll better real soon.
Purrrrrrrrs and more Purrrrrrrrrs,
Boni, Sanjee, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Welcome home Mittens!!!! Purrs!
oh, mittie! we is so furry happy you are home and could be mended so quick! maybe this weekend some of us could drop by if you are feelin' up for company. we'll bring the nip, just have some water on hand!
purrs & lovins from
nels, ed, nitro, & xingxing
I hope the new fud tastes gud and stays in yur stumuck so yu don't hurk it up. Too bad abowt not getting anymore stinky goodness tho. Maybe when yu feel better yu can haf some treets.
DEeer Miss Mittens we're soooooo glad yore feeling better!!! And best of all to be home in yore own howse. Pleeze keep getting better and better so we can have a party soon.
Well make sure and get better and better until you are well Mittens. ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO
Miss Mittens
We's all so glad yu R back home wif all of yur sisfurs and Momma and Daddy. None of us like goin to da V-E-T but she is gonna make yu feel all better! 'Specially now dat yu are home wif yur ToniMom. Lay back and take it furry easy and get back up on yur paws soon!
Don't worry CalicoMomToni, yur sweet baby is going to be back to her ol'self in no time!
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