Thanks everycat and everyfurlessone, for worrying about me. I am doing much better. I have a special diet now, either Purina EN, or Eukanuba (the vet was out of the EN so substituted Eukanuba.) I am still getting my medicine, until it is gone. I have been sleeping with Momma at night, again, and I even swatted at a string yesterday. I rolled on Daddy's shirt, too. Momma says I am getting back to "my old self," whatever that means.
~Mittens Pollypaws~
I'm glad you're feeling much better! I know I don't like to play when I'm not feeling well so that's a great sign!
YAY!!! We is so glad that you is feeling better bestest furriend Mittens!
Glad your feeling better.
Oh Mittens, I am furry glad you are getting better again!
Yayyyyyy!! Miss Mittens, we're so glad yore feeling better!
Lots of hugs & purrs from Finny & Buddy
Doesn't it feel good to feel good again!? I am glad you are feeling better!
Bein yur old self doesn't sound good, but it IS. I's so glad yur feelin better. Bonnie was her old self while I was at the v-e-t. Now I's back an she hissed me, like yousual. Amember, yur beans luve you furry, furry much, no matter what.
Wonderful news, Mittens. Let's hope we soon hear some good news about Smudge.
We are so glad, Mittens. You will be back to your well self in no time, we're certain.
Those are the 3 best words we have heard today. "I am better". HooRay!
Oh Mitts we are very glad you are feeling better. Yay!
So happy to hear you are feeling better. Guess that special food is doing you good. Purrs.
I am soo glad you are better, Mittens! Keep up the good work! We all love you,
Wonderful news!!
that's such furry good news! an that picshure of you is extra purrty.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, Mittens. I think if you keep snuggling with your mom, that will work wonders!
We are all so glad you're feeling better! take care of your Mum and she'll take care of you!
Purrs to you,
Tilly and Toby
Mittens, tell Patches I saw her comment at the Meezers' bout not bein able to post. Our bloggie isn't loadin right today, eifur. Our entire sidebar is missin an the page cuts off in the middle of a post. It's a pirate attack! Or Bonnie tryin to hide the evi-dance pictors I posted!!! Purrs,
Miss Mittens, all of the Good Cats send Good continued healing vibes to you in the piney woods.
I am so glad that you are feeling better. Keep up the good work of recovering.
Oh, we's furry furry glad you's feeling better Mittens! Gree's on her way ofur to see Mistrie. I bets she'll stop by and say hi to you too :)
YAY for ms mittens!! we are so glad you are feelin' more like your ol' self (not that we mean to imply that you are O-L-D). we is furry happy you has snuggled so much wif your mom--great benefits for you both! keep it up!
soft meows from
nels, ed, nitro, & xing
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