Please send purrayers for Mittens. I am taking her to the vet. Hopefully, I can get in this morning. She has had a stomach problem on and off for the past 8 months, but it always has gotten better, until 6 days ago. Her other vet said "irritable bowel." I worry now it is more than that. She doesn't seem to keep food down (when she does eat) and isn't using her litter box (pain?) She spends 98% of her time sleeping in the closet. I will update, as soon as I know something. Thanks.
**UPDATE* 11:00 AM....I had to leave Mittens at the vet for blood work and possible other tests. They will call me later on today and I will let you know the results. Please keep her in your thoughts.**UPDATE* 1:00 PM....Blood work looks good! Possible just a food allergy. Keeping her overnight and rehydrating her, giving penicillin and another antibiotic, change in diet. Yeah!!! Thanks for all the purrayers!!!
CalicoMom Toni
oh oh oh, we will start purraying right away. Poor Mittens
Me and mommy will pray.Hope all goes well...Huggs and Purrs
Oh, we hope Mittens is OK! Headbutts and Purrs.
Purrs Miss Mittens! We are furry worried about you. The vomiting thing and stuff is bad. Poor Miss Mittens. We hopes you are okay and that this vet can make it better.
Oh,dear, Mittens!
We are praying very hard for you. You are such a beautiful girl and we don't want you to be sick.
We know Calico Mom and the girls will take care of you. Please keep us posted.
Headbutts and nose kisses,
Tilly and Toby and Kate
Oh we'll start purraying for her right now soon as we finish posting. Mini's got irritable bowel and sometimes she's like that. We hope it's nothin worse, that's icky enough. Our V-E-T gave Mini some medycine for her sicky tummy so she doesn't throw up so much and it helps.
We love you Mittens!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Mistrie, my bestest buddy, I'm comin over today to hang out with yall cuz I know you's concerned about Mittens. Be there in a jiffy!
Poor Mittens, we will indeed be purraying for you and for your sisfurs and Momma - we have paws and fingers crossed here.
Our prayers are with the two of you...
Many prayers for Mittens!! Hopefully it is just a bit of stress related to the changes in her world and she'll be fine soon!
We're sending out Meezer songs!
Oh Miss Mittens
We is furry worried 'bout you. WE will say our Purr:::purr:::purr purayers fur you and hope that the V-E-T will give you some gud med-eey-sun and you will be feelin like yur ole self in no time.
We will keep yur Momma in our purraryers too. Cuz we knows she still needs all our healing purrs...
Bye Miss Mittens
Meowm and I will pray for Miss Mittens to be okay.
Keeping you & the kitties in our prayers! Get well soon, Mittens!
Purrs and purrayers sent to the Big Piney Woods for Mittens from Hawaii.
Linda, Pumpkin, Bebe, Tiger and Blackie
o, Mittens, we's be purr-raying 'n purring fur u's up there in tha Big Piney Woods. Pleeze get betters, poor Mittens.
We loves u....
KC, Missy, Bear & Mommie ML
down in Flooded Stormy Houston
We'll all be purraying for you to get all better. We have a furrend named Jade who had similar problems for a couple months. After lots of tests, the Vet said it's just irritable bowel syndrome and now the only thing she can eat is Purina DM, but she has no more problems. We sure hope it's something simple like that in your case too!
Ohh, sorry to hear that Mittens is not so well. Hopefully the v-e-ts will be able to find her the right medicine to make her feel better again soon.
we is still purraying furry hard for our bestest furriend Mittens.
We is still purraying furry hard for our furriend Mittens too!!!
Flumpy, Meepsie, Shep the Dog and Mumma are all praying for you, Miss Mittens. We even asked our Calico Cousins, Patches and Marbles to join in! If there is anything stronger than kitty prayers, it is calico kitty prayers.
All paws are crossed for you, Miss Mittens, and your sisfurs and the CalicoMom!
What kind of food has she been eating? Has the allergy just developed or was it always there? Is there an infection that's causing her to not use her box?
We'll keep you in our thoughts.
Crews' Mom
Oh, Mittens, please be well. I hopes it's sumfing sorta easy to take care of. Bonnie got sick a month afer I came cuz of stress - new cat, strangers, new cat, famly visiting, new cat. Stress is hard on us puddins.
oh, mittens! glad to see there is good news from the vet about the blood work, and that you will be all plumped up and ready to go home tomorrow. what a shockingly tough couple months this has been for you--wouldn't be s'prised if it were stress-related.
purrs & sandpaper kisses to ALL you girls!!
the meowers
Yep, stress will upset a kitty's delicate balance and sense of order quite throughlly. But she has her momma "upright" again, and hopefuly is on the mend now. What about the litterbox issue? Or was that just because nothing in = nothing out? Will she have to have presctiption food? Shaggy is back on his obesity food (purina OM). Love her up real good and tell her we were very concerned all day! sss & mom
Dearest Mittens. I hopes you get better soon. It is not good if the tummy is bad.
If you need special food for the party this weekend, please let me know. We will make sure we have a good supply for you.
Get better soon Mittens!
Purrs from way way up north!
Dear Mittens, I'm so sad to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope you feel much better soon. I'm sending special healing kitty purrs your way.
oh poor Mittens havin' to stay overnight at the vet doctor place. it smells so funny there. we hope you'll go home very, very soon
I'm glad the blood work looks good. Hope Mittens will be feelin' better soon.
Miss Mittens - I've been away from the internet for the last week and have only just heard. I hope you are okay! Sending lots of purrs your way...
YAY Mittens!!!!! We hopes that is all that it is is just a food allergy. we would not want anyfing bad to happen to our bestest furriend
Oh, I hope the news just gets better and better, Mittens! Poor baby. Sick is never fun.
Oh, poor Mittens! I hope it's just stress. Lots has happened the last few months, and some kitties have really delicate systems! Get well soon.
Purrayers, brandi
Oh Miss Mittens, we am so glad that your bloodwork came out ok. Food plays a big part in efurryone's health so hopefully you'll find out what's making you sickie. Feel lots better please!
Sweet little Mittens, we are praying for your fast return home!
All of us heer in Castro Valley are rooting for yoo, and hope yoo'll make a kompleet rekuvery. I've had my share of trips to the vet lately, and I feel yer pain! Good luk!
We's is so glad to hear that Miss Mittens is doin OK! All those healing purrayers were heard! Fank you!! Let us all know how she is today!
I hope that you recover soon!!
A lot of pursssssss and good vibrations for you and the rest of the Calico Girls.
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