This is Hemlock Haven, where Gree and Mia and all the rest of you come, to visit Mistrie. You can see one of the insulated beds Momma made for her for wintertime (she has four beds, one more under the deck that is insulated, and two blankets high up in the wood of the woodshed, one on either end.) It has been freezing now at night, Momma say's Old Man Winter is coming soon.

Hi, Mistrie! You is almost hidden there. Good cat-o-flage. Yur lucky that as an outside kitty, you has so many safe, warm beds. I like in the house better, but to each his (or her) own.
Mistrie, I like your insulated bed! You are furry lucky. I loved exploring with you too.
Stay warm.
That's furry beautiful. And the bed is nice too ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO
Oh wow, that is so nice! If I ever had to go Out of Doors I would really want to live in that lovely bed!
you has so many warm places to stay out there. that looks like a kitty fort!
What more comfortable home!
Hopefully all the street cats had one thus.
The cold is coming too soon. We remember when you were planting the new spring flowers coz you were done afore we efun started.
That looks like a very nice and cozy spot. Lots of stuff around to shelter from the wind. It's very nice of your mom to fix you so many nice and warm spots for the winter!
Stay warm, my dear Mistrie.
that shure duz look cozy! yur momma really knows how ta take good care of kitties
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