While I was there, I wanted to find a scissor and cut my ear furs, but after all your comments, I decided to keep them. Momma would be very upset with me, anyway. She says she remembers when her oldest Little Wafer, Leigh, cut his hair the day before school pictures were taken. (He was in kindergarten.) I can't figure out how to use them, anyway.
oh, your ear fur is furry purrty. Trixie hadded ear fur that was furry long and curled up around her hears.
Yur ear furs are furry gorgeous! I just has a small smount of white furs comin out of my ears, I wish mine wuz like yurs! Yu are such a purrty gurl!
I like your ear fur! Mine isn't as glorious as yours, but my Meowm likes it.
I love your ear fur! The Lap Lady would want to touch it so it makes your ear twitch. She does that to Chase a lot.
I like yer eer fur. Don't chanje a thing! Mr Tasty Face has eer fur just like it. In fakt, the longer I look at yoo, the more I wunt to lik yer face!
Oh no Precious! I have lots of ear fur too and if you cut yours I would feel I had to cut mine and I have no idea how to use scissors! I think you are furry beautiful just as you are.
How is Mittens?
I'm so glad you're not cutting your ear fur! I think it adds something to us kitties.
how is Mittens today- is she letting come closer? I know you just want to get to know her.
I just luvs yore ear furrz, so please don't cut it.
You should never change you very pretty.
Oh, you and your ear-furr are very pretty.
our Lady luvs extra fluff comin' outta the ears an she loves extra fluffy paws too. duz you haf paw fluff? yur furry purrty!!!
I am furry happy to learn you are going to leave your ear fur alone. You had me worried when you were looking for a scissors.
Ear hair on kitties is cute. On old Peoples, not so much. Be glad you're not a People!
Trimmin ear hair is a weird bean fing. Don't try it. First, you gotta haf thumbs to werk the scissors. Second, you're aposed to haf that fluffy fur in yur ears. It keeps bugs out.
Your ear fur is lovely!!!! I'm glad you didn't cut it.
No, no, no! Don't cut your ear fur. You're perfect just the way you are, in fact I wish my ear fur was as long and luxurious as yours.
I am very glad you decided not to cut your ear fur. I think it is gorgeous.
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