I am getting brave, and starting to come out of the bedroom. Yesterday, I was sitting in the windowsill, in the diningroom, and Patches came over to me and stood up, so we could nose nuzzle. I am not quite sure if I trust her, she batted her paw at me the other day, and all I wanted to do was snuggle. I saw Mistrie outside last night, so I stood up and we played pawsies through the glass. She is so nice! Mittens, on the other hand, growls and hisses at me, but I know she has been sick.
Momma is going to an Eye Vet today and she will be getting glasses. I hope, when she can really see me, she still thinks I am precious. I will have to do some extra grooming and purr real sweet.
A'course she'll still fink you's precious! Cuz you are! She'll be furry happy to be able to see efurryfing again too. Gree says Mistrie is jus the bestest kitty (cuz they's bestes furriends hehehe). You's burrave to go all out in the house tho. Good fur you!
oh, 'acourse she will still fink you are precious. How could she not! Glad that you and Patches are starting to get along better, give Mittens some time to feel better, she's furry nice (and our bestest furriend)
Oh how could she not think you were precious! And you are going to purr for her!
I am certain she will love you more when she can see you better!
Awww, Precious. You are such a sweetie. How could anyone not love you! :)
BTW, I think you and Mistrie look a bit like sisters!
Oh little one, you look just about as sweet as they come! The big kitties will soon get used to you being there. g
Oh, you are getting very brave. Mrs. B likes your cat-bed. She has one like that, just in a different color.
well, i think you are very pretty even though you kinda look like my sister Casey around the face and stuff.
Precious, you are so sweet your mama doesn't need glasses to see you, she knows what's in your heart!
Hope she gets her glasses and likes them.
You are a good girl, and getting brave! Let Mittens get better and give her some time. She will like you!
You are too cute for words - purrs to your mom.
Mine Mom says you have that sweet look on yur face jus like Angie does.
You are furry, furry precious indeed!
You're a little sweetie! My mom says all cats are precious, even my bitey sister Olivia, and I bet your mom feels the exact same way!
Your mum loves you and thinks you are precious. That is why you have your name. Purr nice for your mum, she needs your care.
I bat at Buddah all the time. It doesn't mean anything more than "Remember, I'm BOSS." Well, sometimes it means "Get off my tail," or even "Your breathing annoys me today so stop it" but don't be worried by Patches batting at you. Even if she growls. (I growl a lot, too...it's just noise.)
Grr and Cocoa bat at each other all the time, ever since they were tiny kittens. That's how they play.
Not only are you Precious, but you're one of the most preciousest (I just made up that word) kitties we've ever seen.
Percious you have the perfect name.Because your very precious and also beautiful.
When yer mum has her glasses an can see yoo better she will fink yoo are efun more Precious than befurr. We's furry glad that her eye is doing well, an we's glad that Mittens is home and getting better
I agree w/everyone else! Your mommy will definately just think you're more Precious! And just give Mittens & Patches more time. The will see that you just want to be friends and play real soon!
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