Thursday, August 02, 2007

Schmooze Award

Update on Computer from CalicoMom Toni: It is fixed, there was a wire hanging down rubbing on the fan. Cost me $105.00 to find that out! The worst part was being without, but they did get it done in two days.

Sorry to be so late with this award. Both Derby and William monitated us. Thank you guys.

Here is the definition of schmooze and an explanation of the award:

"As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability 'to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.' Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.

~The Big Piney Woods Cats~


The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY!!! Our bestest furriends is back! we missded you LOTS and LOTS!!

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh we're glad yall are back. Fooey on it taking so many colored papers tho. Gree says to tell Mistrie hi and does she want to come over and get cool? Pepi says hi to Precious and does she want to come over too?

Christine and FAZ said...

Congratualtions on your award! FAZ

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that you got your computer fixed. I'm very sorry that it took so much money to fix something so small. Congratulations on your award. You are all great schmoozers.

Ivan from WMD said...

Computers! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

Just Ducky said...

Oh good the Piney Woods gang is back on line. Purrs.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations :)