Note from CalicoMom Toni: Thanks to all of you for the lovely comments about Mittens, and your concern about how she is. As her picture yesterday shows, she is doing wonderful. She still sleeps a lot and gets sick now and then, but her eyes are alert, her coat is shiny, and she talks up a storm whenever my husband or I go near her.
Just lovely Precious!
I didn't know Mittens was feeling poorly, I'm so glad she is doing better.
What sweet girls those Idaho kitties are!
We're glad to see Mittens looking so well.
I know how you feel Precious. I want to go outside sometimes too. But it's kind of nice living the royal life inside.
your best bud Pepi
Looking out the window is very fun!
Oh I love to look out the window too, Precious. We were looking at your photo and it's possible that you and I are nose twins!
what's on the cat tv Precious?
We think it's better to be an inside spoiled kitty looing out da window den to be stuck outside and alone.
The cat TV can be very entertaining, Precious. I am glad that Mittens is doing well.
Everykitty looks great! That looks like some wonderful cat TV!
mommie says she would sneak up and plant a smoochie on her head
Precious picture Precious! I'm glad Mitten's is feeling some better.
Purrs and Headbutts.
What's out there? What do you see? Moof ofur, I can't see out! Is that a bird? A squirrel? What's out there?
Hi Squirt! Our mom keeps places under windows open like that so we can see out too!
Does your mom leave the carrier there all the time? Do you go in it and nap?
Are you looking for Breezie?
I am glad to hear that mittens is doing better.
so glad to hear Mittens is good, we worry 'bout her. are your walls purple? my Mom says in another house she lived in once she had eggplant colored walls in the kitchen. Precious looks, well, precious!
We're glad Mittens is feeling gooder.
Very glad to hear about Mittens. Precious, on the other hand, looks like she'd like to go out and play!
Such a cute photo of Precious!
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