Sunday, August 19, 2007

Easy Like Sunday

~Mittens Pollypaws~


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of kitties takin' it easy today. I am one of them.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Mittens, our sweet bestest furriend!!!

hi to ALL of our bestest furriends!!

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely Mittens cat! How are you? Your eyes look bright and happy! Do you want to play?

Daisy said...

Mittens, you have a very dreamy expression on your face!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We were gonna say what Daisy sed, yoo look so dreamy and far away. Yet yoor eyes are brite and clear, like yoor daydreaming about something furry nice...

Tara said...

We are lazin' around too, its great.

Concats on the Cat Blog award!


DK & The Fluffies said...

Looking lovely as always!

Lux said...

Such a cutie! Have a nice rest!