Saturday, February 25, 2006


Mine Mom said, because spring is something we are all hoping for, she would bring spring into the house, while we wait for it to appear. She went to the big sale place and bought primroses in red, purple and yellow. She put them in baskets on the kitchen counter, behind the sink, so when she does the dishes she can see them. Later on, she will plant them in the ground. They smell furry nice and give us some spring cheer. She has to put all plants up though, bacause Mittens eats anything green.



Anonymous said...

Those are such happy flowers! We bought a small pot of tulips yesterday. GK is already eyeing them for himself, but until then, they make everything look so cheerful.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

What a wonderful Springy idea and so colorful. Maybe Beau Beau will stop eating the insulation at our house if he has a nice plant to try to get into.

Shaggy and Scout said...

How beautiful! And tasty lookin' too!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Those are such delicious - oops, i mean purrty - looking flowers. I bet the blue one tastes really good. anyfing that's blue has to taste good, right? - Sammy

Fat Eric said...

Pretty flowers! We have some in our garden. Today was the first day the crocuses and snowdrops were fully out, my mum wants to take a pic of me sitting next to them, if she can get me to co-operate...

WCTs said...

They are bootiful! We like your mom's quilt too!
Come by to read Blackie's story.

The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South

Anonymous said...

That looks springy. There's a cat here, his name is spelled D-i-n-o, who likes to chew on plant leaves also. Not on all leaves, but certain kinds. Like palm, papyrus, kitty grass (which I like too). Don't say who said this, okay. It's a s-e-c-r-e-t!

PrincessMia said...

very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! It looks like spring at your house, Patches.
~ turtle

Just Ducky said...

Purrrty. Nice to have bright colors and flowers. But mum says she won't buy flowers for inside 'cuz I would just eat them.

prairiesunshine said...

Our Mama doesn't have plants no more cuz we eat them up too. Just grass. Flowers are pretty, but they are yummy too.


Victor Tabbycat said...

My woman keeps several plants that rarely bloom. We don't eat them (much) but when she waters them, I MUST follow and inspect. It's hard to get good help, you know, and she tends to either over or under water them. Beans!