Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mom's New Quilt

Mine Mom's sister-in-law made this quilt for her. She hand stitched the whole thing, and it took her a year to make. Mom is pretty proud of it, I am surprised she lets us sleep on it! It is called the log cabin pattern, because in the center of the quilt is a log cabin, like our cabin in the Big Piney Woods.



The Meezers or Billy said...

That is so purrty! Our mommy would never let us sleep on somefing like that. we would chew on it

The Crew said...

Oh girls, what a good Mom you have to give you such a wonderful quilt just for you!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful quilt!

PrincessMia said...

Wow, that's a purrty quilt. Very nice. I'd have a hard time laying on it and not putting a scritch on it. I'd have to be careful.

Kukka-Maria said...

Whether or not she allows you to sleep on it is inconsequential! She isn't home 24 hours a day to guard it. When she leaves and you have free-reign over the house, take a nap on that beautiful quilt!

Remember who is in charge at your house, ladies...

lambj said...

Yep, that pretty quilt is your now, ladies. We got a new cover and I wasn't sure about the color - or an open seam! Then Bonnie spent ONE night on it, and there was no returning it. Oh, well, I can sort of sew.

Anonymous said...

That sure is a pretty quilt! I wouldn't mind sleeping on that. When you're finished, can I have it???

Unknown said...

Patches Lady,i´m understand english,but my problem is writte..I´ve got a dictionary too..thanks for you visited =^^= and welcome again

Unknown said...

so cute quilt...the kitties are funny,all on the bed =^^=

Mattingly said...

A colorful quilt for colorful kitties! Thanks for commenting on my site! Mom says we're going to be better at updating, but she always says that. We really enjoy reading your blog. Sorry I missed the nap-a-thon, but maybe I can make the next one! You are really good the way you take care of Mistrie too. So is it her decision not to come inside? I'm afraid of being outside, but maybe if I was always outside I would be afraid of inside too. I'm a cat and I don't even know how a cat's mind works!

Fat Eric said...

What a beautiful quilt, Patches. I hope you have many lovely days napping on it!

Anonymous said...

What a purrty quilt! And there's room for Mistrie, too.

Carolina Cats said...

Wow!! That is a verry verry byootiful quilt. Your mom's sis-in-law is verry talented. Our grandma makes quilts too, she made our mom one. We'll post it on our blog soon so you can see it.

Your mom is smart to let you sleep on it, quilts need to be loved all the time!

Just Ducky said...

Wonderful quilt. My mum has a log cabin quilt too that her mum maded for her many years ago. It isn't as fancy as yours.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Beautimus and nap worthy!

prairiesunshine said...

lookie all the purrdy colors. Quilts are nice. They are meant for kitties. Mama gotted a black velvet one for Chrissmuss and me n Angel lays on it alla time and its got nice kitty furs now. But they's black furs so it matches just right.

Luv Taz

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hey, Patches, here's another kitty looking for Spring... in Canada. You promise Spring's coming back soon? Will it stay this time?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt? Mom has some quilts, but I'm not supposed to lay on them either. That looks very comfy. I would sneak naps on them. Mom would like one like that!

Ivan from WMD said...

My mom makes little quilts for us, but I want a big one like yours! It is very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! What a nice sis-in-law your Mom has, Patches.
~ tammara

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like a lot of effort went into making the quilt. It shows, though -- very attractive.