Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Poor Tail

Mine Mom broked my tail yesterday.
I asked her politely, "Mom, may I please go out on the upstairs deck and see what I can see?" Now, of course, I didn't just run fast out there, I had to take my time and 'spect everything and make sure I didn't step on anything unworldly. Well, I guess she was so wrapped up in her computer she didn't see I was 'vestigating and just slammed this huge, heavy, big, solid, metal door.....right on mine little calico tail. I screamed! I cried! I yowled! She opened the door real fast and I came running in, tail bent over, broked. She was all, "oh no, Patches, I am so sorry," and ran fast after me. I ran faster, down the stairs, tail all broked, it had a big bend in it.

Yes, Mom, I am ignoring you!



Ivan from WMD said...

OMG, how awful!!! I don't think I've ever had any tail mishaps but this looks absolutely horrible!!

Are you better now?

Kukka-Maria said...

Revenge is a dish best served cold...like tuna, I'd imagine.

May I suggest sharpening your claws on her shins? Moms are very prone to "accidents" and "making mistakes."

Ugh! If only we didn't need them to open doors!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

oh, your poor tail! does it need to go to the doctor?

Anonymous said...

Every now and then I get under Chloe's feet and she has stepped on my tail. It hurts so much! I hope your tail gets better!

Anonymous said...

Oh NO - yore paw tail, that looks narsty. Do yu need to have a splint on it?

Lotsa nosenuzzles ...

Anonymous said...

OH, MY GOSH!! I thought hiding in the dark in the path way to the bathroom was dangerous... as I get stepped on or kicked. But the door... oooooooohhhhhh ouch!
Hope you gots lots of tuna for that one.... If you need "I am so hurt and need tuna" acting lessons, come on over and I will show you how.

Anonymous said...

Poor Patches!!! I cannot imagine such a thing happening to my own glorious tail! I'm with Kukka-Maria: revenge is called for...

~ moose

Anonymous said...

Oy! That is WRONG! Did the vet get to take a look at it?

Sanjee said...

Oh no :( Poor Patches! I hope it heals up fast so it don't hurt. Poor Patches's mommy to cuz I bet she feels real bad. Aw, I'm gonna cry. Poor Patches.

Fat Eric said...

Oh Patches, that is horrible! Your poor tail, has the v-e-t had a look at it? Does it still hurt? Make sure you make the most of being an invalid and lie around looking pathetic while your humans feed you delicious treats. Get well soon.

PrincessMia said...

Oh Patches!! Your poor tail!!! oh that's terrible. It is still hurtin? Is it really broke? are you gonna have to put it in a cast. Oh the felinity!

The Meezers or Billy said...

OMG! Did you have to go to the V-E-T? Does it still hurt? We are soo sorry!

Carolina Cats said...

Miss Patches! Miss Patches! Your pore pore tale!!! I never herd of anything so awful. YOu be sure and look extra pathetic around yore mom bean and especially when she is walking around, act like you are verry scared of her.

We hope your tail is better soon!
Finn & Buddy

PS from mom bean - Patches, I'm sure your mom didn't mean to do that and is very sorry.

The Crew said...

How very, very awful. You must definitely become a pathetic invalid to be waited on hand & foot. Milk this for all you can. Make sure she feels extra sorry for what she's done and keep glancing down at your poor tail while giving pitiful, kittenlike mews.

Keep us informed on the tail straightening/healing status.

Victor Tabbycat said...

How awful! I don't know what I'd do, besides bite, scratch, and run away. I might hide under the bed and growl. I'd certainly keep my tail to myself for awhile.

Anonymous said...

That's so terrible! I am sorry that happened to you. I hope it heals quickly and doesn't hurt too bad. Maybe some good nip would numb the pain.

My mama read that over my shoulder and went white as a sheet. She said I bet Patches' mama feels real bad! I thought, time for some strategic upchucking.

Anonymous said...

Poor, poor baby Patches!!! That's okay. Your mom will be your constant servant for many, many days. Let's see ... tuna, salmon, stinky goodness (at all hours, day and night). Get well quick.

Amy in NC said...

Patches, we hope that your tail heals quickly. The Crew is right and you should milk it for all it's worth. There should be lots of treats, stinky goodness, and head rubs.

Mom closed a window on my tail once and I bit her. She tried to get me off of the window sill but I kept jumping back up and when she closed the window, my tail was there. She still has the scars.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Patches this is terrible. Plaese have it looked at if you need to.

WCTs said...

Is the kitty OK?
We are worried!

The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South

Anonymous said...

Patches, that's terrible! I hope it only hurt for a little while, and that your human is trying to make it up to you with lots of treets and stinky goodness galore.

Boni said...

Eeek! Poor Patches and poor tail and poor Mom. I'll say purrayers for your tail to heal up fast. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. Can I help out somehow? (I don't know how to remove big doors, sorry.)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh...we're so sorry. I hope you let someone bandage it so it will heal properly. We're sorry we missed your nap-a-thon. We didn't know about it until it was over. Hope your tail gets better soon! We'll say a prayer for you.

Max said...


Ok, the Woman heard e yell OW and came to see,,,she says her Mom had a kitty once that she slammed a car door on its tail! And for the rest of that kitty's life everytime her Mom made the kitty mad, she would put her tail up looking like a question mark. And her Mom felt guily every single time. So do that! Forever and ever, remind her! I bet you get lots of treats out of it!

Just Ducky said...

AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH. Mum gotted home very late tonight. So I am doing a quick blog check.

Take care, milk this for all you can, tuna, treats etc. I am just glad this happened after the nap-a-thon. Your poor tail migghted not have survived all the chasing last weekend.

Mum has lightly stepped on mine but never slammed the door on it. But then I don't get to go outside.

Hugs and kisses.

Spock said...

Oh My Gosh!! Poor, poor Patches? That looks like a V-E-T visit for sure!!