I am a bit crabilated. It seems Precious (aka Squirt) has taken ofurr the blog. She gets in Momma's face and says please help me, and she looks so sweetly at her, she can't resist. Like yesterday, she had absolutely nothing to say! I am MORE than a bit crabilated. Mittens just doesn't seem to get it. This was The Calico Girls!!
~Patches Lady~
Sharing is very, very hard!
i'm glad i don't have to share. i think you should start climbing on your mommy too so we get to see your pretty face!
I can understand your frustration. Sometimes it crabilates me to share MY blog with Tommy. You Calico Girls did start the blog after all. Maybe the "Precious Squirt" should get her own blog and you and mittens take back the Calico Girls blog.
It IS the calico Girls! Someone needs to be whapped and put in her place!
I understand completely. Mom's seem quite taken by a small cute face, don't they? I had the same problem when Tipper, Max & Misty were young.
I unnerstand. mommy maded us a skjule 'acause Billy was taking over. hey, he still is. MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM fix our skjule!!!
Hi to our bestest furriends!!
Patches, you're looking lovely even though you're crabilated.
I know how you feel! I started out blogging, then I had to share with my sister. Now I have to split the time even more for my woofie sisters blog! ~Queen Snickers
Don't worry Patches. We know you're an original.Flynn tends to be a blog hog too
Ya need to put yer paw down and demand equal bloggin' time!
I don't like to share much, which is why my blog just has my name on it.
You do look lovely, Patches.
Hmmmm, guess it pays to be an only cat! Patches my dear, don't be too crabilated, just push her aside and tell her it is your turn. She better mind her elders.
Patches, I feel your pain. Just look at how many pictures there are of Russell on my blog. I mean, what is the deal with new little kids thinking they can just take over? [Sigh.]
We have the same problem here...
Purrs to you all from SnowForest family :)
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