Saturday, September 08, 2007

Weekends Off

Yes, as you can see, I am crabilated. Momma says we are going to start taking Saturday and Sunday off from blogging. She says we have nefur missed a day in almost two years, except when she had her eye operashun and when she and Daddy went in the monster with wheels that has the house in the back. She says we need a brake. I think she is the one who needs the brake.

See you Monday.

~Patches Lady~


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Awww this is too bad, but we understand.

~Donny and Marie

Anonymous said...

This is no fair! No fair I say!!! Maybe we should start a campaign. My Lady usually makes me take Saturdays off and I am just plain fed up with it. It's a bunch of baloney if you ask me. Ooh, now I'm hungry, I wonder if we have any baloney.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Don;t be crabilated dear. It's good to break now & then. Keeps the ideas fresh.

Karen Jo said...

I can see that you are crabilated, Patches. I agree that it's the Mom who needs the break. It's good to do that once in a while, so you don't run out of ideas.

The Meezers or Billy said...

awwww Patches, we has been crabilated for a long time 'cause mommy is "too busy" to help us blog on the weekends unless there's a speshul event or somefing.

hi to our bestest furriends

Anonymous said...

Breaks are good sometimes :)

Just Ducky said...

Patches, we need to give our beans a break now and then. We take a day off here and there. Better to know, then we won't worry about you.

Have a good weekend.

Lux said...

Those beans - they actually seem to have lives that extend beyond us!

The Crew said...

Our Mom usually doesn't let us blog on weekends either. She says that's when she & Dad have to "get things done".

So, we'll talk to you during the week.