Thursday, September 06, 2007


I am taking Mittens to a different vet today. I took her to her regular vet last Monday for tummy troubles, again. Sadly, the vet never got back to me, after giving me two different types of medicine. Tuesday, over a week later, and three tries to get her to call me, I
decided to have all her records sent to a different clinic, hoping I can find a compassionate person. She is on two different medication right now, lactulose and cisapride, to try and get things moving in her intestines. An x-ray was taken, also, and that was sent on a CD over to the new clinic. Update to follow later.

UPDATE.....We are home!

I just got back from the vet. I am so happy with them. Dr. Vogel, who has 5 cats of his own, pulled her to him on the examining table, sat down and she buried herself in his arms. He put his head into her fur, much like we would do. Her temp, which wasn't taken at the other clinic, was normal, her heart is fine. He said to keep on with the meds, but explained in full about how they work and also said I could use mineral oil and pumpkin. The lactulose, which I got another supply of, was 1/5 the price, the office visit was $8.00 less. He said he would call in a week, if I had ANY concerns, to call, he would get back to me the same day. He said she will probably have to be on meds all the time, to stimulate the colon. She is hiding behind the chair, glad to be back in familiar territory, and waves a paw to all her furriends.

CalicoMom Toni


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh best of luck and good wishes AND strong purrrs for the new vet experience and (((gentlesqeezyhugs)))) and snuggles for Patches.

Tummy troubles are bad!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sweetheart we hope the new vet is going to get things done for you and give you the care you deserve.
We'll be waiting to hear more.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Good luck with the new vet! We hope this one is much better and helps Mittens feel better soon.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we is ank-shus-lee waiting for werd on how our bestest furriend Mittens is.

purrrrrrrsss to all of our bestest furriends and Mom Toni

The Crew said...

We didn't realize Mittens was feeling poorly. Hopefully your new VET will be more responsive!

DK & The Fluffies said...

We'll keep her in our thoughts.

Karen Jo said...

Yay for the new vet! Now Mittens will get the care she deserves. I am glad that her temperature and heart are normal. It's too bad that she will have to take medicine all the time, but good to know that it will help her.

Daisy said...

I am so happy that you found a caring and wonderful vet. That makes a big difference!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Sounds like Dr. Vogel is Mittens approved. Yay!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh good! A vet with 5 kitties of his own knows and cares about kitties!!
Glad to hear you can keep this in check with the meds.

Edsel/The Pooch said...

well, it's good to find a vet dr. who loves poodins! and, good to hear that he didn't think it was anything other than that she needs medicines to help her poop. we hope very, very much that she feels better real soon

Anonymous said...

Lots of hugs from all of us at casa de GK.

Just Ducky said...

The new VET sounds like a keeper. Anybody with 5 kitties should be good with them. He already showed that by the way he interacted with her.


Anonymous said...

That old vet much not care much for kitties. My Lady had a vet like that once. He just didn't seem to care at all.

Lux said...

Oh, that's good news! I'm so glad you found a better, more compassionate vet!

Tara said...

Poor Mittens! I'm sorry she is having tummy troubles, but glad you found a nice vet. Pumpkin worked wonders for Kavan's tummy troubles!


I hope Mittens is feelin better today! We are so happy you found such a compassionate Vet!


Anonymous said...

From Patches' reaction, it sounds as though she trusts Dr. Vogel, and a cat doesn't trust just anyone. This vet should be a good one. Hope Patches feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

purrrrr - sounds like you found a great vet. we sure hope Mittens is feeling 100 purrrrrsent better!

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