We are all scairt and hiding. Something crazy is going on. All the furniture is moving around and the big sucking monster is out on the prowl. "Junk," as Momma calls it, is coming out of closets and being put into black plastic bags. There is a big box going to the kitty shelter thrift store. There is a huge new picher box and all sorts of wires, running hither and yon. Momma said to Daddy, "remember when you just plugged the cord into the outlet and turned the knob to seven?" (They only got one channel, back in the dark ages.) Now, they have hundreds of channels and they are always saying, "there is nothing on."
The kittens that the Big Lady Daughter adopted from our shelter, arrived safe and sound in Winnemucca, Nevada. They have been named Nitro (black) and Turbo (calico.) The Big Lady Daughter said she is "baby proofing" her house.
~Mittens Pollypaws~
I hate when the people move lots of "junk" around. I really hate the cat eating monster thing. I hope it all settles down soon!
our mommy says she's going to be going nuts like that next week. she's still 'unner the weafurr' from the flew fing. Oh, and she might not haf a head after lunch today.
I hate when mommy uses the sucking monster.It's so loud and big.I hide too under the couch.
Yea, we hate lots of moving stuff around also. And especially the rug sucking monster. Luckily our Mom is kinda lazy about using it.
Sounds like you got cable TV. Now you can watch Animal Planet!
You girls better make yourselves scarce for awhile. Try camping out in a closet or going under the couch like Fat Eric.
our Lady sez she remembers channel 7. she duzzn't watch tv anymore, but way back when she used to, channel 7 wuz the best. (channel 4 was okay sometimes, an you had ta move sum poor rabbit's ears fur channel 2)
Oh Mittens, hello! It's so good to see you. I am sorry you are having icky things going on. Well we are still too--the Amost Dad's boy is still here, but honestly, he's kind of nice.
You can come over if it's too much. We can snooze by the fireplace in Chey's millie bed!
I feel for you... I hate 'spring cleaning'
Dat's right - there's always hunreds of stations and there really is NUFFIN on them.
Does your mum have the cleaning bug? I didn't think that would hit until spring!
Your momma is a very early spring cleaner!! My momma says good for her!
~ nala
All people have is junk. Don't they know that? My people move theirs around too, and for what? To make room for more junk!
We thought that stuff was supposed to go in the garage - that's where all our junk is stored (and the metal monsters have to live outside!)
oh, a kitty named nitro! i would like to see him; i have nefurr heard of anofur kitty with my name! will he and turbo have a blog? if not, could you get a picture and post it please?
thank you!
nitro s
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