With all the talk, on different blogs, about collars, Momma went out and got me a pink one, with diamonds and a bell. (You can hardly see it cuz of my furs, haha) The bell rings, so now she hears me, wherever I go.
However, I got it off three times. I didn't pull it over my head, either, I unhooked it. Neener, neener. Daddy told Momma she may as well give up. Yeah!!!!
~Precious Flower~
We think you should keep your pretty collar. Try shaking your head so the bell rings- that's fun to do at 3AM!
Maybe your name should have been Miss Houdini 'cause you are such an escape artist.
Wow, a PINK collar? You are very lucky. It looks very cute on you.
I can just see the little bell on you. Mum likes collars that make noise, then I can't totally sneak up on her. But I have learned to walk without making noise with it. hehehe.
Dat bell looks furry purrty on yoo.
We fink we read on sumcats blog dat it is yer mum's purrfday today, but we're not shoor if'n we got it rite.If it is, Happy Purrfday Calicomom Toni. Purrs an hed butts furrom Eric an Flynn. If'n we got it wrong, purrtend yoo didn't reed this.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Calico Girls Momma
That's right!! It's your Birthday Toni!!!
Happy Birthday!
Well, we can't be left out of the purrday greetings - hope you're having a lovely one.
Birfday? Really? HAPPY BIRFDAY!
we sees the bell on the collar, but the rest is losted in the furs
Mama tried several times to make me wear collars. Even ones recommended by the vets. I won. No collar!
MomToni, happy birfday! Hope all the family (including the felines, of course) treats you very well!
Yea . . . we finally gave in too - although Sabi's already on his 4th collar!
Purrfday! Happy Purrfday Mom Toni!
And that's a cute pink bell Precious. We won't wear collars neifur. Not efun Pepi and Gree. They just loses them and loses them and Mom gaved up. She says she'll try again tho. Silly Moms. hehehe
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
To Mistrie: Gree must be ofur there by now. She telerported outta here wifout sayin where she was goin and that always means she's visitin you. Yall haf fun in the sno.
You go, girl!
Tell your mom Happy Birthday, and tell your sis Mittens that she's the Grand Champeen of my litter guessing contest!
I hadded a coller and its putted away acause it don't stay on for too berry long either. Mama tried halter leashes on bofe of us n Angel has a "breakaway" coller and that's zactly what it does, breaks away. She broked it and broked it and broked it and broked it, then one time she broked it and wrapped the rope round Mama's toe and nearly broked IT so that was the last time we hadded to wear any collers. Maybe soon we can go on a balcony of a luck-shree condo partment and mebbe even go in the funny outside called the "hall" acause I hear from some kitties that its berry fun.
What a lovely picture, Miss Precious! You are growing up so lovely and floofy and healthy. :)
We're wearing the same color, 'cept my collar doesn't have diamonds, just a bell. You're lucky to get diamonds.
Your friend
Misty E
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