There are lots of spots in the cabin declared "know zones." These "know zones" are off limits to me; for example, the tables and kitchen counters. Also, included in the "know zone" is putting my claws into the furniture, although I do it all the time, with much zest. Daddy said something about me "ruining" all the furniture. He didn't exactly say it was a "know zone," so I think I am doing a good thing, as Momma says, "Honey Squirt, we must not do that," while she takes my paws down, picks me up, and huggles me. She gives great huggles and I doubt, if I was in a "know zone," she would huggle on me, know what I mean?
you is right - shred away!
Missy does the same thing to our recliners, then she jumps up on to the top of the chair, and looks at Mommie like, "What, I didn't do anything wrong."
I am with you!
"Know zones", I just go wherever I want. Mum has given up on trying to keep me off stuff. Since I have no claws I can't shred the furniture. But mum sometimes she has talks with me. Like yesteday when I wanted to help with making the soup. She kept saying 'know'. But the soup had milk and cheese in it, it need my help.
You efun do that to yur furniture when you gots all dem scratching posts around?
my Mom doesn't say know to me hardly ever. once she got real, real mad at me when i jumped on the stove and she yelled so loud at me she scared me and i won't do that again. my poopy sister gets told know a lot tho. (she's not as smart as me!)
Hmmm ... it sounds like "know zones" are when you're ready for hugs and other good stuff.
Relax, ladies. Sooner or later everyone harboring multiple cats has to make a decision: Do they want nice furniture, or do they want another kitty?
I count four kitties in your household, so I think we know what they decided.
It would be nice if you would use the scratching posts, but a cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do.
Wise cat :)
We haf know zones too, mostly in the kichin. We's not allowd to shred fernychairs either. Mornings when I wake up, I stretch and my claws axydentally stick in the bed, and then mum sez "KNOW ERIC"
We gots those too. My Food Lady is ALWAYS telling me 'know'. "KNOW Persephone!" this, "KNOW Persephone!" that! It's always "KNOW, KNOW, KNOW!!!" I'm not supposed to go on the tables, I'm not suppoesed to go on the counters, I'm not supposed to scratch the furniture, I'm not supposed to eat the people food, I'm not supposed to make Squeak cry, I'm not supposed to make Grumpybutt growl!
At least I'm allowed to go in her lap, (so long as she's not eating) and get snuggles.... I may not have picked the best Food Lady after all! ~Persephone
You look very elegant sitting in that chair, Precious. It would be nice if kitties just used scratching posts, but we know that furniture is just too tempting sometimes.
We KNOW that it's fun and healthy to scratch. Right? hehehe
Boni Maroni
I hate know zones there are alot in my house too yet I don't pay attention and
jump on them anyway.
our Lady sez it'd be a pleasure ta haf yur cute furry self come on offur an scratch up all our fernychure.
oh yeah Precious, that is called negtive tenshuns. That means no matter what bad fing you does, your Mama gives you tenshuns. So I sometimes scratch on the new mattresses acause then it means that Mama will play tag wiff me.
Those know zones are terrible!
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