Saturday, January 28, 2006

Today Is The Day

We are so cited. Mistrie said she would make an appearance, even though she is so shy. We have on our fancy colored collars and we took baths this morning. We are all ready for you!

Watching for guests

Making sure my toes are clean

Some planned events between naps for the kitty nap-a-thon:

Nip tasting, kind of like wine tasting is to humans
"Show and Tell" with our favorite toys, sleeping blankets, beds
Story time......telling citing things you have done and seen
Mutual washathon
Purr challenge
Comparing siblyings, pros and cons

We have a special guest speaker, Billie aka Billers, a ginger cousin of ours. She will give us a talk on "how to get the most out of your human without them knowing it" at 4:00 P. M. on Saturday.

Mom is making a button for all the kitties who attend.

I will post again on Sunday, after 12:00 noon PST, when all the kitties have gone home, with a full report.


*Update 11:30 AM * Kitties am arriving! Mom has said we could use the big bedroom.....we needs the room as 50 kitties are coming!!! Talk to you tomorrow!!

*Final Updated 12:15 PM* All kitties on the list have arrived!!!


The Meezers or Billy said...

we are soooooooooo 'acited! we have been prakticing our teleporting and we think we have it down now. Just so you don't get us confused, Sammy is the bigger Meezer wif the dark blue crossed eyes, and I am the little Meezer wif the 2 black skunk stripes on my back and the light blue eyes. We are bring our favorite blankie (the green one seen in our pickshurs on our site) and our favorite cosmic nip, and sammys country cosmic nip toy. WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

i have my special purple pillow packed....

Anonymous said...

Z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z... (I am enjoying myself!) ...z-z-z-z-zzzzzzz

PrincessMia said...

Is it time yet, is it time yet, is it time yet?? oooooh I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I am so eggsited - I have bin praktissing my teleporting also my napping. See yu soon.

Anonymous said...

Do you see us? We're here with our bedding and z-z-z-z-z-zzzzzzzz ...

The Meezers or Billy said...

We're here too! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Victor Tabbycat said...

I found my quiet rest place and I'm all set. My boy left a great spot on his bed, so I've got it staked out. See y'all zoon. zzzzzzz

Victor Tabbycat said...

I wanna come to!!! How come Bonnie can go and I can't? I'm a good napper. I'm even curled up on Dad's pillow, ready to join you. Can Bonnie really stop me? Transport me to Patches closet (1)... Transport me to Patches closet (2)... Me transpatch to Porches closet (3) OHHHH that's not right!

Victor Tabbycat said...

No Victor... No Victor... No Victor.
This is ME time.
No Victor... No Victor... No Victor.
You don't want him there anyway - he's a stinky little cow cat.
No Victor...
OHHHH I'm so upsets, I can barely concentrate on sleeping. Must squeeze eyes shut and cover face with paw. Zzzzz

Just Ducky said...

I'm just about ready to teleport over. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

DARN IT - the girls found out, and they said they will pounce me for months if I don't tell them all about it. So I guess that makes THREE of us. (Grrrrr...) We're on our way... See you soon!

~ moose (and turtle and nala, dagnabbit)

Carolina Cats said...

I have my favrit mousie and Buddy has his critter (nobody knows what it is) and a fuzzy pink blankie that is nice for naps. Thanks for the nice nap a thon party! What time is the purring challenge? I am a loud purrer!!

Finny & Buddy

Anonymous said...

Pounce say's you are so cute

Edsel/The Pooch said...

yawwwwwwnnnnnnn.......mmmmmmmmmm......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhey, don't step on my head.........zzzzzzzzzzzz

Just Ducky said...

Ok, enough meeting and greeting and playing. I agree with Edsel, yawwwwnnnn, yaawwwwwwwnnnnn. zzzzzzzzzz

Fat Eric said...

Mmm, nothing cosier than snuggling up with a few friends and sharing the warmth... I have a big loud purr so I'm looking forward to the purrathon...zzzz...

Shaggy and Scout said...

But we don't want to go home yet!

Carolina Cats said...

zzzzzzzzzzz....purrrrrrrrrrrr...we doesn't have to leave do we? I thot we were staying 'til Sunday.....prrrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Edsel/The Pooch said...

did i hear somethin' 'bout pizza?? ooh, pizza with nip on top, that would be really good, hey Patches, what's the chances????

prairiesunshine said...

Angel n Taz are currently transported, deeply in meditation, on the couch, basking in the glorious light of the beautiful Chrissmuss tree which is still up. I used Ukrainian Christmas as an excuse, but truthfully, I didn't get the tree up til the 23rd, so I am enjoying it, though late. I imagine it will be down by Valentines though ;O)

At any rate, they are sound asleep. Did you all smell when the pizza delivery guy arrived? Though deep in meditation, I sensed they knew he was there. Hope they shared with all the kitties napping in the closet. :O)


prairiesunshine said...

I see they must have mentioned the pizza to you all cause Edsel/pooch brought it up ;O) I hope they shared!! All Dressed with no mushrooms cuz Mama is lergic.

Boni said...

*opens one eye* Who stepped on my head? Careful please. *closes eye* zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Me Has Bought Me New Silk Pillows!

Max said...

Hey...whose butt was in my face? That was NOT the way I wanted to wke from my nap!!!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Wow, arent we all having fun! Pizza too!!! We are so furry glad you all showed up.....OK...naptime!! We can prowl the house when the purrson go to bed......hehe..

Anonymous said...

....... this is thuh most best fun I've had in a while ..... and it's so gud to meet evrywun ... zzzzzzzzzz

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Ok gang......time for stinky goodness......wake up!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY! Stinky Goodness! We're having so much fun!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Max - sorry 'bout the butt in your face. Didn't know it was you. - Sammy

WCTs said...

Hey it's us...we are a bit late but can we still come in...thats us knockin on the door!!!


The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South....we don't take up much room.

PS. Miss S likes to nip on toes of sleeping kitties!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Wow, the Whippy Curly Tails have just joined us...Come on in...have some stinky goodness......better late than never!!

Boni said...

MMMMMMMM stinky goodness! Yum Yum. MMMMMMMMMMMM

Sanjee said...

*peeks out of her bag and waves to her friends*

The Meezers or Billy said...

do we have time for one more sleep? - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Kitties are getting ready to go home. They are saying their farewells, purring head butting, and giving low throaty chirps to all the new furrends they have met.

Anonymous said...

This woz funfun .... maybe we can do it again sumtimes? I think we should all say a furry big THANK YU to our Grashus Hostess and her family fur havving us all to stay over.

Purrsssssssssssssss ...

Just Ducky said...

Yawwwwnnnn, streeeeeetchhhhh, yaaawnnn, streeeeetttttch.

OK, guess I am limbered up enough and awake enough to teleport back to mum.

Patches, Mittens, Mistrie too. Thanks so much for hosting this get together. It was so great to get everyone together at the same time and same place.

Maybe we gotta make this a hollyday for cats? Get the purresident to degree the day for us.

Bye everybody, see you online soon.

Ok, off to the closet and

there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home


Yep, guys I am back home, all in one piece. It is still raining here.

Hi mum, (purrrrrs and sandpaper kisses) I need a nap.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Thank you Patches, Mittens, Mistrie and your Mommy too. We hadded so much funs!!!! PURRRRSSSSS.

Bye Efurryone! We liked meeting you all!!!!!!!!

ok, back to medi-tay-shuns
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home
there's no place like home

MOM!!!!! We're home!!!!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Some kitties have already left.
All kitties, may I have your 'tention.

It am time to leave, sorry to say, to go back to your furrever homes; your Moms and Dads, although they don't know you have left, will soon become suspicious of your quiet and continued sleeps and will start to worry. That is why a kitty nap-a-thon can only last 24 hours.

All gather in a circle and close your eyes and go into your mediations.

Repeat 7 times...transport me to my furrever home

The room is empty, except for Mittens and Patches, the air smells of kitty, fur of every color and lengh, is the only reminder they were ever there. A few lone whiskers and nails sheds are on the carpet. Empty dishes of stinky goodness and bowl of still partly filled crunches litter the floor.

We hang our heads in silence..........

Boni said...

Thank you Patches and Mittens and Mitrie! I had a great time. Yall have yummy stinky goodness. Thanks for sharin!