Mittens Did It!
Well, Mittens, as shown, was messing with my blog again, now it has a new background! Yes, I approve; no, she didn't ask me first. Good thing I got a picher of her doing it, proof postive. Now I need to go chase her and pounce on her so she doesn't think she got away with something. If you have your monitor set at 800 x 600 it will look the same, however, if it is set higher, you will see the new gray/blue shiny background. (It takes a little time for it to load, be patient)
Good job, Mittens. :-)
Looks nice, Mittens. If Patches is gonna sleep in your bed, you should get to mark her blog. BTW, my momma's name was Mittens. Do bean hockey teams have cheerleaders? I think we females should be the coaching staff. Boys need a lot of coaching and we girls are good at that.
Well, Mittens what an amazing girl you are!
Get picture Patches... caught her in the act...
Oh, can you teach me to use the flashy thing, Patches? I need to prove Mini is the trouble maker around here. At least Mittens picked out a nice background. Whew! It looks good :)
Mittens...great new art! You are a very talented kitty!
The Tart
Our Mama lives in the dark ages, where 800x600 is still okay. So we can just see a pretty blue trim round your page. but its very nice. What a talented kitty ;O)
Luv Taz
it looks pretty
Purrrty. You guys are very good at making your changes. Mum, needs ages to figure it out.
Oh! Everybody! Get in the kitty crack and THEN look at the new background! It's, like, ...WOW!!!!
Mittens needs to teach our Mom how to do neat stuff like that. How much does she charge for tootering?
Mittens is quite the graphic designer. (Don't worry Patches...your amazing talents just lie elsewhere)
My mom wanted to know if Mittens needs a job--she needs some help at work!
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