Mistrie Says Hi
Mistrie just wanted me to tell you that she is doing fine, but getting sick of the winter. She is sleeping up on the blanket on top of the wood pile now, hidden by the wood, very safe and warm. Mine Dad sees her eyes when he peeks through the logs, while getting wood for the day. We figure it is too damp under the deck now where mine Mom put two nice insulated beds for her. She is really safe, though, in her hidey hole in the woodshed. She gets stinky goodness, along with us two calico girls, all the crunchies she wants, and fresh water. Mine Mom gives her 'tention everyday, too. She is well loved.
I'd be sick of winter too! It's good Mistrie has a warm place to sleep. Your mommy is very nice to look after Mistrie when Mistrie won't even come in the house.
Oh Mystrie...Come In!
Stay warm Mistrie :O)
Very nice job on your background, Patches (and Mom). Our mom is a little scared to switch out the big stuff.
Any chance Mistrie is preggers? (She looks very well fed, not that we're pointing any fingers...)
Come on inside where it's warm Mistrie!
And Patches, I got your link on my blog now. I'm so sorry I didn't have it before. I think my staff got confused. (Mom helps with the links)
Oh wow...what if she is expecting kittens....then you'd have a whole herd on your paws!
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