When mom and dad came from Minnesota (A State of Deep Freeze) to buy land in North Idaho (A State of Winter) 32 years ago, they asked a nice man, with a white apron, at The View Cafe "Is it always so green here?" (It was A State of Springtime then.) The nice man, with the white apron, said, "No, if it isn't green, it is white." Hey mom.........know what? He missed a color. It is all gray right now!!! Water falling from the sky really fast and fog floating in and out of the trees.
when it's all gray outside here we try and make mom stay in bed all day wif us so we can sleep.
It's gray here in WI, too. No sun to get our fur tans. We want spring to come so our birdies will come back.
We are getting sunshine but will trade you some for some white stuff.. mom likes snow for some reason. Whiskers and Dimples
We had a dash of snow last night, but the sun came out this morning. But, it's cold. What happened to the warm???
reminds me of the BC coast. ICK
I am waiting for sun to come back to. I thinks that guy was just talking about the ground, green/white. Not the sky.
Ya'll need to come visit - weather is in the 60s to near 70 until Saturday here with rain only forcasted at night.
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