Our cabin is in the Big Piney Woods. Up here in the frozen State of Winter it is supposed to be snowing and cold. Mom says things sure are strange this year because usually we have lots of snow. This year it all melted, what we had, and we are left with "a feeling of spring". My dad even cut down a tree with his big noisy scissors today. He is hammering on it (mom says splitting) and they will stack it in the woodshed for burning next winters. I never go in the Big Piney Woods, even on a supervised walk. The trees are tall and there's lots of them. Deer, bear, moose and the occasional elks are out there, not to mention the coyotes and eagles that would get me.

Big Piney Woods
The Big Piney Woods look - BIG. Me and Miles never go outside. Outside is scary. - Sam
Wow, I don't go outside either. We gotted trees, but not quite that many or that big.
Those big piney woods are pretty, but I wouldn't go out there neither. A'course I don't go outside at all. I like my private room with tv n stuff instead.
Oh I thinks I would like very much to come visit you in those big piney woods! It looks all peaceful there and not so many monsters with wheels going up and down the road... All those aminals live out there?! Wow!! Shmaybe you can get some in a picher or somethin? It would be neat to see elk! I've never seen an elk a'fore. Only deer and small aminals. I write about them on my wildlife watch blog.
Our winter is just like that here too this year! Usually we have snow least 5 kitties high, but this year its not even 1 kitty high yet. Mama said the goosies haven't even all left town yet and they shoulda gone south by now!
Mama said it might change though cuz yesterday she saw HUGE sundogs in the sky that lookeded like rainbows!! I was so cited I dint know there were doggies in the sky! So I went to look, but I dint see no doggies, I think my Mama is going nuts. She says doggies in the sky means its gonna get cold out.
Luv Taz
It looks beautiful, but you better be careful. I've read stories before about alligators getting cats and dogs outside in Florida.
We don't have gators here in the frozen State of Winter, Cowboy. I don't think I would like them much and would be furry fraid. I only go on supervision walks so mom takes real good care of little me.
I forgot to leave a comment! Boy those trees are big! You have lots, too. Mom said it reminds her of Flagstaff (AZ). It doesn't remind me of anything, because I've only been here where we just have sparse trees and a lot of them are kinda squatty. (Maybe they're cat-size.)
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