I had to take Squirt back to the vet today. She vomited 8 times in 24 hours and can't keep anything down. I am really upset and worried as she was doing so good, her stitches were taken out on Wed. and she was her old self. The vets seemed puzzled as well and they are doing blood work and she is staying tonight.
Calicomom Toni
We are purring hard! this is not the news we wanted to hear!
I am so sorry to hear this... I thought she was finally out of the woods.. Squirt, you get better... hope the vet can figure out what is going on... ;-(...
Rokon and the staff..
Lots of purrrs to Squirt to feel better!! We will purr for the Vet to find out what is wrong and fix her right up!!
(((((((HUGGGGSSSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,
Dang, hard times there... Our purrs...
We are sending healing purrs and hope she is better quickly.
We are purring for Squirt and hope she will be feeling better today and has stopped being sick. We hope the vets find out the cause and treat if necessary.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Poor Precious has really been through the wringer lately. I hope that the vet can fix her up quickly.
We are sending HUGE purrs for Precious!! We purr the Vet can find out what is wrong.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
We are purring lots of healthy purrs for Precious and our paws are crossed that the Vet finds out what is wrong and Precious is able to come home soon.
Hugs & Healthy purrs for Precious
oh no Precious - we are purrring hard for you to get better!
We're sending loud purrs and universal Light to you, Precious. Please be well!
We hope it isn't anything serious and she will be back home soon! Purrs and wags.
Poor sweetheart!!!
We are purrin' extra loud!!!
Oh, no! We hope she gets better real quick! We are purring and praying as hard as we can.
Toby and Cupcake
oh, noes!!! we's sendin' extra purrs an' healin' love to squirt!!
Oh Squirt we are so sorry to hear you had to go back to the Vet, we hope you got good news this morning.
Oh noes! We are renewing our purrs!!!
Oh man, did she eat something else? Purring and purraying that it's just an upset tummy...
We are purring for Precious and hope she will be okay.
we is just checking in on our bestest furriend Precious. We is still purring
We are purring and praying super hard for Precious.
Squirt, you do understand that you can quit this sort of thing any time, right?
Sending healing purrrrrrrss to Precious, and gentle headbutttss to the pawrents. Come on Precious, get well, soonest.
I am so furry sorry to hear this. Kit and I are sending loving, healing purrs to Precious.
Has anyone heard anything more about Precious?
Marian in Houston
Precious, this is not what we wanted to hear. Smiley Boy is not smiling. Hope you didn't start eating the carpet again.
Healing purrs to you and the family. Hugs from mum.
Precious, please feel better soon.
We love you.
SSS & Mom
We hope this is only a brieftemporary setback, Precious. We join with so many others in caring and purraying for you to feel better soon!
Big purrs coming your way!
Our biggest and best purrs for Precious for her to feel better and be back to good health. And purrs to Mom too.
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