I went to TED's with Precious the other day. It was for my "well check." I hissed........ a lot!! I hissed when she took my temp, when she listened to my heart, when she looked in my ears, when she putted me on the scale, and especially when she gave me my booster shot! I hissed about a gazillion times and they all laughed at me!!! I was as fierce as fierce could be, but they laughed and TED said I was a "spitfire."
Miracle 4Paws

I got my stitches out (I was furry brave and, unlike Miracle, didn't growl or hiss or cause a fuss.) I was pronounced healthy, even gained 4 ounces!
Precious (Squirt)
Miracle, when you get a little bigger I'll tell you how I SHOT the thermometer out of my...um, bum. They won't laugh THEN. ~Maui
Tails high up for you, Precious!
Good job both of you!! Precious we are glad you are improving every day.We were starting to worry since we hadn't heard from you lately.
Miracle, you keep practicing that vishus hiss of yours. They'll be cowering in fear!
I am glad you two are doing so well. Your appetite must have been picking up Precious!
Hurray for healthy kitties, even if they hiss a bit...
We're glad all is well in Idaho!
Toby and Cupcake
Ya can come vist us fer the weekend. We just have treats an good stinky goodness. No firewerks. Mousies outside in the safe fence though.
Precious we are so glad you are doing so well and Miracle you are living up to your tortie tude!
Precious it is so good to hear that you are doing well! Congrats on gaining weight!
Miracle, they weren't laughing AT you, sweetheart, they were just laughing NEAR you.
We are glad to hear you are doing well Precious.
I am a hisser too Miracle. It is good to let others know when you are not happy about something.
Very happy to hear the good news about Precious, and happy that little Miracle is full of life and spirit.
We're so glad you two checked out well at TED!!
Wonderful news all around!!!
We hare happy to know that those little ladies are feeling better and getting all well. Purrs.
Glad to hear that you both are doing well. Hissing at the TED is appropriate, especially when they start poking, and prodding, and putting things in places that they shouldn't.
Way to go, little Miracle, you're feisty!
Precious, I am very glad to hear that you gained some weight. You are a brave kitty!
Happy 4th!
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