I am taking things a day at a time. I am making more time for Mittens, hugging her, loving her, holding her, petting her. Each day is precious now. I have spent time looking at photos of her, I know, when the time comes, I won't be able to do that, not for a while. It is hard to wrap my mind around the fact she won't always be here. She will always be one of the Big Piney Woods Cats, her spirit will always reside here. She is giving me sweet memories to cherish, on this her final journey. My heart is already broken and I feel a terrible loss. Thank goodness she doesn't have a clue, one nice things our animal friends share. She looks at me with her loving, trusting eyes. She isn't eating much and I won't force the steroids on her anymore. They seem to have stopped working, anyway. She has real bad times and real good times. That is my wish........time.....
Thanks for all the gotcha day well wishes.
With tears,
~CalicoMom Toni~
That made my eyes leak a little bit. I know you will cherish every moment you have with sweet Mittens.
We were always so thankful for each day Georgia was with us. Even as she began to fail, she always seemed so contented with her life and for that we are doubly thankful. I am sure Mittens is counting her blessings to!
I can't stop thinking about Mittens and the things you must be going through. All the Big Piney Woods kitties were some of the very first furfriends we made back when we began blogging. It truly is a blessing that Mittens is taking her stride one moment at a time, in some ways I think our furry babies are better off than we are. I hope you are taking tons and tons of pictures, every day of her to have for yourself. Your are in my prayers.
Abby's Mom Debra
You are doing all you can do now. Mittens always has been well-loved and she always will be. Sending you comforting vibes and purrayers...
Happy Gotcha Day to our furry bestest furriends.
Happy Gotcha Day to Mittens, Patches, Mistrie Rose. My fellow October kitties.
Many purrs to all of you and lots of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to your mum too.
Be thankful for the time you are having. We were with Bacchus. Each day was a gift. My heart is with you.
We are just now getting caught up on what is happening with Mittens. Cherish each and every day together. She knows she is loved.
I know how hard this is for you, Toni. Cherish each moment with Mittens. It's so hard to see them get ready to leave. Mittens knows how much she is loved and she loves in return.
We send you big (((HUGS))), every day is a blessing and we know that Mittens is surrounded by love.
Our mom has very leaky eyes for you. She knows the pain you are feeling. She still feels that pain when she sees pictures of Cal. Their stories are so similar.
Mittens is such a lucky girl to have had such a wonderful life with you. It's not over yet, cherish your time.
It is very hard. Sending you many purrs.
Hugs and Purrrrrs to our dear friends.
Oh goodness.....we just don't know what to say. We are sending out our bestest purrs and lots of gentle headbutts. We know Mittens knows she is loved, just as we know you will be together again one day.
Junior, Orion and Meowm
My Mom said for me to send a big fat kiss and a nose bump to Mittens. Mittens made her less lonely for me when she visited you guys in the Big Piney Woods last summer. We think of Mittens all the time and hope that her walk over the Bridge, when the time comes, will go smooth. Mom Toni, you keep huggin' and smoochin' her 'cause it's good for both of you!
We's still bisitin efurry day to say hi. Yall hug n smooch lots yeah.
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
Our purrs an headbumps to Mittens. And to all of you. Best thoughts to you in this hard time...
We know how hard this is.
Just reading what you said made me cry and its not even my own cat. I can't imagine how you must feel... Only wish mittens enjoys everyday hopefully without suffering much or any pain.. she is lucky to have a mummy like you.
Sending you hugs and purrs. We are sorry you are feeling this pain right now.
We are always thinking about you Toni...and Miss Mittens. Today I held Miss Peach real close and kissed the top of her head and told her how much I love her and how special she is. She has been sleeping on the sofa with me all day. That was a gift...
Hi Mittens, It was good to see you yesterday. I'll bring the leopard snuggle tomorrow like I saided. See yoo thens
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
We are sending love and rumbly purrs to you Toni and Mittens, that you may relish these precious days together. Mittens we love you.
Whicky Wuudler
& Mum
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