Mittens seems to feel pretty good, although, she doesn't eat much. I have tried everything I can think of, including baby food. She will eat canned chicken but seems to prefer the juice so I keep adding water and letting it soak. She eats a few crunchies, but not enough. She is taking her steroids in a pill pocket, but if she won't eat them I have decided not to force her to take them, anymore. It is so upsetting for her; and me. All in all, she is doing very well. Thanks for all your wonderful comments.
~CalicoMom Toni~
You found a very nice sunny spot to take a nap. Purrs to Mittens.
We're glad to hear Mittens is having good days. Take good care of her, and yourself...
Sounds like you have a good plan to keep Mittens and you happy as things progress. Lovely picture of her soaking up the sunshine.
I am glad that in general she is doing well. Our Georgia didn't eat much at all for several weeks but she seemed so happy--I think so long as they are content that is a good thing.
You may want to try sprinking Brewer's Yeast on her food. I did that with Fiver whn she did not want to eat and she would lap it up (Coincindentally getting some food in the process). Be sure to get the diet supplement, deactivated rather than activated. I found it at Whole Foods, but most health food stores would have it.
glad to hear mittens is having good days. it is like that at our house right now also. kimiko has good days and not so good days.
we are keeping you in our purrayers.
Mittens, enjoy the sunshine and attention. You're so cute.
glad you are enjoying the sunshine, Mittens... I have been running outside as much as I can, as I know it won't be long, I will be having to stay in...
hug to you mittens, from Rokon
I am glad that Mittens is having good days, even though she is not eating much. Mittens, you look great there in the sunshine.
Big hugs to you and Mittens.
Hugs to Mittens and to you!
we are oh so glad to see you enjoyin your sunbeams! We're thinking of you!
It is so nice to see you napping in the sun!
We're thinking of you all and are glad Mittens still has good days.
Toby, Cupcake and Mum
Oh, oh! We are glad Mittens had a good day, but our hearts are saddened by the news she will not be with much longer. You all have our purrs and hugs and puppy cuddles.
We are sending you both our purrs and prayers. We hope Mitten's appetite picks up.
Have you tried sprinkling a little bit of Nutritional Yeast on her foods? I will eat almost ANYTHING with some of that on top. My Mommeh had to stop giving it to me for a little while because I refused to eat anything unless it had some nutritional yeast on top. It's yummy!
Is there an oral liquid version of steroids? I fought takin my thyroid pills real hard, but Im OK with the liquid version...
I wonder if she'd like some butter...or mayonnaise...or both! (Just don't get that weird gravy stuff in a bottle that's supposed to entice cats to eat [Mom tried it with Eddie]--oh, yuk, that was gross.)
We's glad yoo's feelin purrty good Mittens. I's bringin yoo dat chixhen today too.
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
(Mommy sez maybe yoo could crush da steroids - they's not normally time a'lease - and put in a syringe or stick in somefin to eet)
Mittens, We're glad that you're having some good days still, and that you're enjoying your time with your Mom. Big purrs to you and your Mom,
Gypsy & Tasha
Soft purrs to all of you.
GREAT BIG HUGS to all of you. My Mom says Mittens is so sweet and nice. We wish all of you peace. And Mom Toni, remember that when the time does come, the other girls will be confused and will need extra lovin', just like you will.
Hugs and purrs FAZ
hiya! I read about you on Miss Peach's blog, adn popped over to give you a nuzzle and a soft purr to get better soon!
Keep slurping that chicken juice! I like it too!
hello mittens this cole miss peaches grandbean i was just going to stop bye and say i love you and i will pray for you to fell better love you cole heres miss peach...
Hello dear mittens...we are thinking about you and hope you will continue to feel well and eat a little bit even the juice is helpful. Maybe we can see you on Halloween at my wedding....
love Miss Peach and mommy Karla
Well Mittens you must have been putting out the vibes to all of your furriends cuz we just came on by and saw da news. Lots of loves, hugs, kisses, and purrayers from us to make your time here da bestest it can be. Relax and enjoy efurry last minute here wif Toni Mom an yur sisfurs. You were one of the first furiends we had in this wonderful place and helped to connect us to all these people and other wonderful kitties. You have done a wonderful job in spreading the word. Many many Purrrs to you!
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