Momma thought I was deep in meditations, but, I was really listening to her on the phone machine. She was talkin and talkin to somebody she called Helen. Then she said yes she would do that. So, snoopy kitty that I am, I looked into her emails and found lots of them to and from the people at PAS (Panhandle Animal Shelter.) Now I know....... she is going into the kitty rooms and is going to take pichers of them to put on Petfinders! I used to complain she took too many pichers of me, but now I am a bit crabilated! She is going to be seeing and handling and petting and loving on lots of other kitties. Yes, this is definitely big time crabilation!
Important information: Momma heard on TV this morning that Outlook Express is compromised by a Trojan virus and you shouldn't use it until a patch is developed (they are working on one.) I guess it can steal your passwords and get into your bank accounts.
UPDATE: MS has a patch on their update site. Thanks to Cat Crosssings for that info.
~Patches Lady~
Patches you mustn't be too crabilated, you have got a lovely forever home.
Your mum is taking flashy box pics of the other kitties to help them get forever homes too.
We don't use Outlook Express, but thanks for passing on the info.
I asked our IT dept at the college I work at. They are working on the virus and yes, it's true. They told me to go to and download their free software for the time being.
Oh, and I used Anonymous because I don't have a gogle account. Sorry, it's Marian in Houston!
Thanks Marian in Houston, for confirming this! Heads up everyone.
CalicoMom Toni
MS has released an emergency security patch at Microsoft Update for all versions of IE.
We can understand that you would feel crabilated, Patches, but you must also take into consideration that she is doing it for a very, very good cause! She is helping lots of kitties find their Forever Homes, and that is a very wonderful thing!
Thanks for the heads up on the security issue!
I do not blame you for being a little bit crabilated, Patches!
I heard this about Internet Explorer. We use Firefox, thank goodness. But a couple of weeks ago, we picked up a terrible thing called "Sinowal" trojan, and had to reformat our entire computer to remove it.
You shouldn't get too crabilated so close to Christmas, Patches. Remember that Santa is watching. Your Mom is doing a great thing in helping other kitties find their Forever Homes. I never use Outlook Express and I usually use Firefox for browsing, but I will remember to avoid using IE at all. Thanks for the warning.
Our mom kept going downstairs for 2 weeks to visit and handle those visitor cats we had. We weren't too happy about that either.
We hope those kitties out your way find good homes from your momma's pictures! She takes really good ones, but it sounds like a big job!
Is she going to bring a new member to the family, or be a foster? Exciting news, sure, but concerning, too.
Merry Christmas To All The Cats!
Do visit my blog, I've post some cats
Patches, your mama is doing a very fine thing helping kitties find forever homes, and loving on them until they do. She will always have plenty of love left for you, too.
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