Friday, December 26, 2008

It's Time

to take all the flashy lights and tree down, Momma. I want the house back to normal, except leave my snow bear, please. Thank you.

~Patches Lady~ (the most polite cat in the house)


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

But if you keep the tree up, you can keep climbing it.

Daisy said...

Patches, you are very polite! Now that Christmas is over, I am ready to move on, too. We have to get ready for New Year's Eve!

Just Ducky said...

Mum doesn't leave the tree up long either. Mainly so I don't mess with it. It will be down by New Years.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think the tree has lots of great toys. Now that there isn't so much junk under it I like it!

Max said...

Send the tree to me. I didn't get one this year!

Karen Jo said...

You are very polite, Patches Lady. I think our tree will be coming down soon, too. I do hope your snow bear will stay out a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

You asked very nicely, Patches! We are also ready for everything to be normal again. Our cousin is already getting ready for Valentine's Day!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Ours comes down by the 1st too. Mom was ambivalent about Christmas this year too, and it's only been up for a week.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Yes, with all the activity, it will be nice ta have things back ta normal fer a while...