You can tickle my belly if you like. I like to lay on Momma's clothes cuz it smells like her, so, even when she is gone, it is like she is here. I luvs my Momma. I am a Momma's gurl, however I sit on Daddy's lap efurry night. ( I don't want him to feel neglected.)
~Precious Flower~
Precious, you are too cute!!
Tipper & Misty
What a cutie you are Precious! Momma wants to pet your floofy belly.
Precious, you have a ver floofy belly. Mom likes floofy. She would love to come over and give you belly smooches.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
How big you have grown, Precious. We are glad you treat your people so each one gets to spend time with you!
Precious, it is good that you spread your love between your Momma and your Daddy. I'll bet they really appreciate that.
Oh yes, we would like to tickle your pretty belly. Mum wants to snorgle it.
I would love to tickle your tummy, Precious. It's really good of you to spread the love around, so neither of your beans feels neglected.
You like tummy tickles? They annoy me. Or may be it's just people in general annoy me, and they tend to like to do that to me...
Floofy belly rubs to you.
Mom would love to fluff that floof, Precious!
O, Precious Flower, you are indeed precious and so beautiful.
Love and Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
pee ess: Someone has a Purrthday coming up, don't they????
Precious your floofy tummy is glorious. Mum wants to dive into the computer and give you a good snorgling. Mum is bonkers.
Whicky Wuudler
Come to mine purrthday on 17 dec! I is going to become a BIG MAN CAT then!
today is your purrfday!!??
Happy Purrfday!!! YAY!!
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