I think the reason the grass is wet in the morningtime is because the fairies are sweating, as it has been above unbelievable hot in the Big Piney Woods. The trees are all crackling and dry and sigh in the wind. The dust kicks up on the road and the birds are coughing and hacking. Momma's fowlers are wilty and sad looking. I go into Hemlock Haven (behind me) or under the deck to keep cool.
~Mistrie Rose~
Keep cool Mistrie. You girls can teleport over here if you like. It is nice today, sunny and the high will be in the 70's. Mistrie can stay outside in the garden, I won't make her come in the house.
Ahh Sweet Mistrie, you blend in so well with your environment. Have you ever caught any faries or birdies? I bet you are very good at it. Toodles, Tyler
Poor fairies. What you need is some rain. I hope you get some soon. In the meantime, you have some good ideas for keeping cool.
Ewwww...fairy sweat!
It started to cool off here a little but it's still hot. I hope you stay cool out there Mistrie Rose! Drink plenty of water!
It is hot everywhere this summer - maybe you need a dip in a pool!
Smart girl. Too hot to efun catch a mousie we bet.
Hi Mistrie Rose,
Good way to stay cool beautiful photo.
I hear you, Mistrie ... but I heard you had some relief at Derby's place!
Sorry it's so hot at your place. I don't think it's quite that hot here (we got a break to the mid to low 90s). But also IT'S A DRY HEAT!!! (Mom has a little rubber stamp with a skeleton on it and she likes to put that caption under it.)
We wish it would rain better here. It's our monsoon season but you'd hardly know it. Our trees are so dry we have leaf drop.
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