Momma and Daddy have been gone a lot in the metal monster with the house on the back of it. I get real lonesome for them, although Diane comes ofur lots; I wasn't too friendly. Last night I efun let Daddy pet me! The first time efur, and I purred and headbutted him and he was furry pleased.
It is hot again, uppper 90's and 100's for the extended forecast. Momma says she is tired. Efurycat sleeps most of the time, waiting for fall and cooler weather.
~Mistrie Rose~
Hello Mistrie
I bet you are so glad to have both your Mom and Dad back! Boy it does sound very hot! Is it a dry heat? It's not humid like it is here is it?
Oh Mistrie, I am sorry you got so lonesome. But I am very proud of you for letting your daddy pet you. See, it was good, right?
Glad to hear your mom and dad are back.Now you won't be lonesome :)
Oh Mistrie, can I come visit you and keep you company later this week? There will be ever so much going on here and I will just hide but with you I could play in the Big Piney Woods!
oh Mistrie, we is sorry that you was so lonely. I bet your dad was happy that you letted him pet you!! WOO HOO!!
stay in the shade sweetie and sleep.
hi to our bestest furriends!
Drink lots of cool water and keep to the shade sweetie!
I am sorry you got so lonesome, but very glad that your Mom and Dad are back now. Yay for letting your Dad pet you.
Poor, poor Mistrie. You just gonna have to tell them they needs to stay home with you. But, that was very nice of you to let your daddy give you pet-pets.
Stay cool.
Mistrie don't forgets that you can teleport over here for cooler weather anytime you want.
It is so nice that you let your beandad pet you. You are becoming a more trusting kittie. Purrs.
poor Mistrie, bein' lonely. be nice to your Dad and you'll get lotsa pets!
Oh my, you really do look lonely. I'm feeling bad for you, it will be okay, I promise.
I know how you feel, Mistrie. My mom was gone for months and months...and I missed her so. Hang in there, she loves you and will be back to stay soon, the summer doesn't last forever.
Did you Mommy and Daddy bring you gifts when they came back? They should.
Oh, daddy pets are furry nice. Maybe this winter you will want to go into da house more? It's warmer in der and you can get effun more pets.
Oh sweetie, please come by any time you are alone. You can stay with us in the cool ocean air.
Aw Mistrie, please come ofur any time you're alone or want company. I love to see you! Nice of you to let Daddy pet you. Is he good at petting?
your bestest friend Gree
I've become a farmer!
And I tag you! Come to my blog to see all that's new.
Your own
Stay cool in the shade, Mistrie!
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