Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Bisit From Gree

Mistrie, in Hemlock Haven, waiting for Gree, her bestest furriend, to teleport ofur.

Mistrie and Gree waiting for Patches to wake up.
(She is inside, on the chair.)

The had lots of fun whispering secrets in Hemlock Haven. When it cooled off, they went in search of fairies. They found a bunch, but they were all sleeping, too hot, I guess. Momma had lots of cool water for them to drink and even gave them nip. They sure got silly!!

~Mittens Pollypaws~


Daisy said...

That looks like a fun visit! Too bad all the fairies were sleeping.

Hot(M)BC said...

Look! A picture of me and my bestest friend Mistrie. Aww :) I love it. I had lots of fun. Fairies look so cute when they're sleeping. It's always fun visiting you Mistrie!

Milton said...

It sure looks like Gree and Mistrie had the bestest visist ever!! Its nice when a special friend comes to visit.
Maybe my special girl can coem visit and see all the farming I've been doing. I bet she's be impressed.

Karen Jo said...

It sounds like Mistrie and Gree had a wonderful visit. They must have been very, very quiet to find the fairies sleeping.

Tara said...

Sounds like it was a very special visit!

snowforest said...

Seems like a fun visit. Mistrie and Gree look so cute in this picture :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you had a lot of fun, I bet. I should invite kitties over to my house.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well Mistrie, you blend right in with the undergrowth in that first picture. Maybe that's how you can find the fairies so easily. Nice visit you had!

The Meezers or Billy said...

sounds like a great time!!!

Gretchen said...

Gee, I hadn't realized I haven't been by in a while. Sorry about that. I love your proverbs. Are they fun? I sounds like your enjoying your summer a lot.

Gretchen said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I love faeries, too. I saw some the other night. They were dancing around the parking lot in the light of the full moon. I tried to wake my bean so she could see them too, but she was too far under to hear me. She must have been dreaming about faeries, too.

Forty Paws said...

How kyoot! They look like they had a lot of fun! That was so nice of your mom to give the fairies water and the kitties nip for their party.

Thank you for your well wishes for our Dorfie!

Luf, Us

Lux said...

Wow - you look like you both had a great time! Fairies sound like fun!

Around Your Wrist said...

it was probably smart to leave sleeping fairies alone. i understand their senses of humor are a little--well, a little whacked.

ben fuzz