Saturday, July 07, 2007

Bad Mood

Yes, I feel crabilated. Precious has been non-stop stupid. I have tried bopping and whopping, I even did a tiny bite. She just shakes her head and swishes up to me and puts her pawsie in the air. No, this is not her way of saying "you win." It is her way of saying "round two." She is such a fluffy butt, but calling her names doesn't seem to affect her either. I have tried that, even calling her Piggly Wiggly, which Momma calls her cuz her tail is weird and twists and turns. Any suggestions?

~Patches Lady~


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Patches - we has a suggestion - get a kitten for her!!! hee hee.

Hi to our bestest furriends!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Heh, heh....Another kitten for her, yeah!!

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Keep whapping, add some growling and hissing, or simply avoid her. It's supposed to work, but...
I have nominated all four of you girls for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award. You all ROCK, big time.

Don't listen to SS&S! I think the only thing worse than a younger sibling is TWO younger siblings... Stay cool, girls! May I recommend curling up in the sink? It can be quite comfy. Purrs!!!

Daisy said...

Patches, I am sorry you are a little crabilated today. If calling her Piggly Wiggly does not work, then I do not know what else could possibly help.

Anonymous said...

I'm an only cat yet I still say you got to stand your ground.This should make you feel better I nominated you
for a Rockin Girl Blogger Award. Please go to my blog for details.

DK & The Fluffies said...

We can send you a cat! A snarky black and white one. ~Fiona Bun

muffinmidi said...

I could teleport over
ans whack her for you...

Edsel/The Pooch said...

how rood of her. you are obviously the one who is supposed to be in charge there, she is the newcomer. have you talked to your Momma and asked her for help?

Karen Jo said...

I don't know a whole lot about the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award, like who started it or anything. What I do know is that accept the award by copying the pink ribbon and putting it on your blog, then you nominate five other girl bloggers whom you think are Rockin'.

Max said...

Just fart in her general direction...

Anonymous said...


I sent you an email with the button and instructions I hope this helps :)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Ignore & nap!

Parker said...

I vote a new kitten, it'll keep her busy and out of your fur!

The Crew said...

Crabilated!!! Another new cat blogosphere word. We love it.

Sorry I can't help with your problem 'cause I'm the one who usually causes them here!

Your friend