Yes, I am agusted. Momma and Daddy lefted us agin to go camping in the house that fits on the truck, until Friday, so I can't post until Saturday. They just got back frum camping! The only bright side is that my best new furless furriend, Diane, is coming ofur on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to talk with
ME. She usually comes ofur more than she has to, cuz she luves
ME!!!! Sometimes I pretend to ignore her, like I do Momma and Daddy, just cuz I am agusted.
Momma said it is a family campout and the Meezertwins will be there! There is something wrong with them, I think. They have a house on wheels and they love it. Momma is bringing the flashy thing.
I better go turn this thing off afore Diane comes and catches me.
~Patches Lady~
Don't be so cross, Patches!
Why would a beautiful calico like you want to look so mad at the world?
Hope it's cooler there for all the critters...
I'd be disgusted to. I mean they ought to have family gatherings where you guys would enjoy them and not out some place else!
Our mom is catsitting for 10 days too. She takes a book and sits with the kitty for awhile so he has companionship.
Poor Patches Lady. You are just not getting the attention you deserve. Imagine your people running off to be with the Meezer twins when they could stay home and have quality time with you! At least you have your new friend coming over to spend time with you.
I'd e disgusted too.
Why do our humans keep leaving maybe it's a cult...lol
oh Patches, we is sorry!
you is looking beautiful though!
Oh that is too bad, but it seems like Diane is very good to you.
I can tell from your face just how agusted you are!
You are very right to be disgusted!
Something isn't right about this, Patches. The MeezerTwins will be there and they're just babies. You're older than them and you weren't invited? Doesn't age and seniority count for anything anymore?!
I guess you should have been asked if you wanted to go too; however, having Diane come over and talk with you will probably be more fun. Plus isn't it still very very very hot outside and inside your house is cooler than the camper thingy right? Hope everyone campers and home stayers alike have a good vacation this week.
I have nominated you for a Schmoozing Blog Award, all 4 of you! Come by my blog and pick it up.
Oh, holy moly, Derby beat me to it! I just tagged you guys for a schmoozer award too. If you want to play, drop by my place!
Yu has efurry rite to be agusted. I knoos I wood be too!
Diane is very lucky to be able to come sit with you!
~Maggie Mae
You do look rather disgruntled, Patches. At least it won't be much longer before your humans are back home, and you can be all gruntled again.
that's too bad that they keep leaving. i'm glad you have a furless friend who comes to visit. i bet she wouldn't mind if you're on the pooter.
my mom says her idea of camping is motel 6...although she'd prefer a little higher up the chain...
benjamin fuzznick
We will be waiting for you. Maybe they will come home early.... meantime, trash the place. That'll teach 'em!
:::purrrs:::: Princess
Oh I will miss you Patches! Hope the beans come back soon!
Camping is highly over-rated, Patches. And there are comfy places at home, and special treats, too. And at least they provided a personal servant!
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