We are finally get rain in the Pacific Northwest, and Momma says, "when it rains, it pours." She just went out and emptied her rain gauge, as it was full, (five inches) and it is pouring outside. Nice and warm though, 60 degrees. I have the perfect spot to watch, and stay nice and dry. Mistrie is cozy and dry up in the woodshed. Good day for sleeping.
Precious Flower~
Lots of places flooded here with that rain. I'm glad you are safe inside! Watch out for the cold that supposed to follow!
Everyday's a good day for napping if ya aks me.
That's a nice window little girl. We bet you can see all kinds of wildlife from there!
I am glad you get to watch the rain from the window and don't have to be out there in it getting all wet!
I wish MY mom would open the window when it's rainin. Yur mom's furry nice. An you haf a furry nice floofy tail!
Nice to be inside a warm dry room watching the rain outside.
Good it's rain and not snow, otherwise your window would be all covered up and everybody would be FREEZING!
It is raining a lot her today too. I kind of like the rain because it means Meowmy has to stay inside with us and not go out at night.
Oh, we are glade everybody is nice and dry. Then it is a nice time for a nap.
it's rainy here too - not as much as there, but some. glad efurryone there is nice and dry
You look like you have found a very cosy spot to watch the rain, Precious.
It is nice autumnal weather here in London. Chilly but sunny, foggy in the mornings, but no rain for days. All the trees are pretty colours. Mum has got her big coat out.
We didn't get that much rain but we had lots and it's 60 degrees here too. Wish it would stay nice mild like this through the whole winter. Then Beau Beau wouldn't have to keep getting ashes on his face from the fire box.
Good to know that Mistrie is safe and dry. Still wish she'd go inside where it's warmer.
It's been wet here, too. My humans wouldn't take me outside all day. I'll make sure we go tomorrow, though.
we want sum rain! we had two days of offur 100 degrees, but today it wuz in the 70's again
Yes, sitting in the window watching the rain is nice. Much better than being outside in the rain. You are a lucky kittie to have a nice home.
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