There was a party yesterday for all the November kitties Purrthdays and Gotcha Days at
Smeagol and Striders. Here I am, right before we left, getting ready. I had a ton of fun, although Patches said I was "rowdy." I met so many nice cats and kittens and we played and ate and played some more. Thanks you guys. You sure do know how to throw a party.
~Precious Flower~
hey Precious, you sure are small/thin. i bet over the winter your Mom will get you all fattened up. aren't parties fun?
Rowdy is good! Are you an attack tabby? Sorry I missed the party; I'd love to wrestle wif you.
we hadded lots of fun at the party wif you!!
Rowdy? That's ok that's what makes parties fun! Glad to see you there.
Would you believe.... my staff forgot my birthday?? Of course they don't know for sure, and I think they celebrate it when they got me... which is Dec. 28th. But I was over 8 weeks old by that time. As the Animial Shelter already did my operation. And I just got my stitches removed when they took me home. Oh, well...Dec. 28th will do.. that way I get Christmas and then a birthday just after. 2 parties in one week..yea.. goodies, yea...
Oh I think the party was furry fun. I'm glad you got to go and enjoy yourself.
we're sorry we couldn't be there. we woulda loved ta get rowdy wif ya
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