I had a bad day yesterday and slept all day, curled up on the bed. Momma and Daddy were worried about me, but I feel better today. I made biscuits on Momma's tummy and even rolled over and made happy toes. I did a lot of purring too.
Mistrie is using her new bed that Daddy made. Momma says she knows it, for a fact, because she had some tiny round pieces of insulation on her fur. Momma says you never know if a kitty will use a bed or not, especially one with all new smells.

Let us be the first to wish your Dad a Very Happy Birthday! He sounds like a great papa and a very kind man. Hooray for Mistrie using her new snug nest!
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday Calico Daddy
Happy Purrfday to you!!!!!!
We is glad Mistrie is using her new bed, and we is glad you is better today. We don't want you to feel sick Mittens, you're our bestest furriend.
Happy Purrfday Calico Dad!
I'm glad it seems taht you are feeling better Mittens. Happy Birthday to your Human Male.
I make it a point nefur to sleep where they want me to. What's wrong with sleepin all day? Yur a cat; you can do that if you want.
A furry happy purrthday to your dad. Sleep on his clothes to show you care.
Happy purrday to yore Daddy ..
Happy birthday to your Daddy!! That's good news that Mistrie is using her new box!
Happy Birthday Calico Dad.
Happy Birthday, Calico Dad. I sorry that you had a bad day yesterday, Mittens, but glad that you are feeling better today. I hope that you are all the way better soon. I am also glad that Mistrie is using her new bed.
Happy Birthday Calico Dad... Mittens we hope you have many more good days and no more bad ones....
Happy Purrfady to yur Daddy!!!
~Meeko, Kiara, & Emmy
And happy birthday to C.D. from all the Good Cats, too.
Glad to see Mittens is feeling better!
Mistrie, see how these humans care for you? Please go inside with them...
Mittens, that was very sweet of you to decorate your Daddy's clothes with Cat fur for his birthday.
Happy Purrthday Calico Dad! Mittens, hope your tummy stays better
I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well Mittens. Sure hope you are better now. Gosh sleeping all day is good, especially if you are not feeling good. Our weather we are having here is really good sleeping weather. Drizzy and wet and gloomy.
Happy Birthday to your Daddy.
Happy Birfday ta yur nice Daddy! purrrs!
Happy Birfday to you Calico Dad! Hope you had a nice day wif all yur girls an Calico Mom. Purrs and headbutts from us.
Happy Purrday dear Daddycat!
I knews Mistrie would like her new beds..her Daddy makes it fur her.
Happy Purrthday, Mittens´s Daddy!!!!!
I´m glad that you feel better. A lot of pursssssssss.
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