Mittens is always being so sweet, sweet to Momma. She half closes her eyes and gives her "the loving look." She is nice to Mistrie all the time, I even heard her inviting her in. She never yowls like I do when I want stinky goodness. She is a real Miss Goody Four Paws.
~Patches Lady~
Oh but it's nice to be a sweet cat! Momma says I am a sweet girl too. I hope that Mistrie Rose decides to go in--supposed to be a bad storm here and probably snow at the end of the week. I bet by the weekend it's COLD in the big Piney Woods.
I knows that you are furry helpful and sweet to efurryone!
PS and yu can come ofur anytime and I will share my Temptations wif yu!
Patches - it's nice that Mittens is so nice, and it's nice of her to invite Mistrie inside. BUT, it's understandable if you don't want anofurr kitty inside. AND, yowling is ALWAYS akseptable when asking for stinky goodness or treats, or, basically, anyfing. - Miles
That loving look gets you a lot! I use it all the time and the Lap Lady melts whenever I do!
Patches that is a lovely picture of you on that bed. Each cat has their own purrsonality and that's just how Mittens is. Of course you have your own purrsonality too and your momma loves you just as much for it!
Oh, Patches, you are furry lovely too. You haf yur good qualities. If alla puddins was the same, it'd get purty borin.
Aw...Mittens has such cute polypaws!
Oh sweet Mittens, you are so cute..
I look at my Meowm like that sometimes and she just melts! Good job Mittens!
My Meowm will be traveling through your state over the coming weekend. She is delivering some Orientals to a lady in Oregon!
Did you ask Mittens if she was trying to be Superman with that pose? That's what I do to Caroline when she's like that.
what a cute picshure of sweet Mittens!
Look at that sweet face, how pretty you are Mittens ~Merlin, shadow, Ko KO
Oooh yoo do look so pritty an sweet. We's sorry we hafn't visited yer blog furr a while but we's trying to catch up wiv efurrycat now that the beans are back.
Miss Goody Four Paws! That is so cute. Someone has to be the good sweet one around the house. Ah hem, like me. ~Angie
Patches, I think this is a classic case of sisterly jealousy. I'm sure your Mom loves all of you just the same, so when Mittens gives "the look" think to yourself "Mom loves me just as much!"
some kitties just can't help it - they're sweet
Hi! Hello! Hola! Ahoj! G'day! Guten Tag! Aloha!
Thanks you so much to your mommy for helping us figure out how to leave a comment (um, yeah, mom isn't pury bright sometimes...)
Oh Mittens that is a fantastic photo. Poor Patches, don't be jealous, your mommy loves you too. You are be-yoo-teful (you're still my favorite Brandi my Sugar Pie) and there is nothing wrong with asking, or even demanding, the stinky goodness.
Be nice to Mistrie and maybe she'll decide it is better inside. It is soooooo nice of your mommy to takes care of her. Ferals need love too even if they don't know it.
PS I posted a linky to you on my site! I met so many wunderful furends at the party, I've got bunches of links to add
Hellloooooooo Miss Patches! Don't werry abowt the goody four-paws, Finny is one of those too! He's allways sucking up to mom, putting his arms up to be hugged - makes me gag. I make her come to me and ask if she can hug me, that way she presheates it more. You are wonderful the way you are!
She is furry purdy too!
* November 7 is "Dona Nobis Pacem" Day - spread the word.
Patches don't worry about Mittens, I guess some kitties are more laid back than others. You are still the first kittie of the house.
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