Daddy has been using the Black Chewing Monster to cut up wood for our wood stove. He also moved the Snow Eating Monster from the storage building to the garage. There are big spoons on the deck to shovel the white stuff, when it comes down. Mistrie's bed (two of them) are up in the woodshed, tucked back in. One is a blue blanket someone left here from the Nap-A-Thon, the other is a yellow blanket. Daddy still is going to build her an insulated bed, to replace one that goes under the deck. It will be warmer, Momma says. I guess that means we are ready for A State of Winter in Idaho.
Tell your mom if you Google "Feral Cat Shelters" you'll find lots of ideas & plans for warm places. There is an interesting one made out of Rubbermaid tote boxes. Mom found these sites while researching makeing a home for Tiger.
Sounds like preparations are set for the winter in the woods. You have such a nice snug cabin and woodstove!
I envy your wood heater! We used to have one in North Carolina and I loved the warmth. We don't have one where we live now, and I hear they lose power to a bad ice storm every year. Very bad for Cats. I guess Catzee and I will learn to like snuggling after all.
Oh stay warm Mistrie! Stay warm!
wow winter already. the goofy man in the suit on tv wif the maps saided that we could get some snow on friday.
Sounds like a lot happens to get ready for the white stuff at your place. Meowm says since we live in an apartment she doesn't have to worry about that.
Stay warm, Mistrie. We worry about you outside in the cold. The rest of you seem well set for the winter.
Winter! Snow! You are lucky!
Where I live it doesn't get cold enough for snow. So I don't know what it is. My person says it isn't a lot fun, its like living in the refridg-a-dator.
I'm glad that Mistrie Rose will have a lot of places to stay.
And that my Precious Flower will have a nice fire to keep her warm!
(but if she wants a nice guy to snuggle she can come visit!)
We don't get much snow here but if we do ,it all sticks between our toes, an we haf to go indoors to get warm again. We haf one of those wood burner fings too, an thay are reely good furr laying in front ofteomvpxi
We are glad you are all ready for winter. We don't get much snow here either, last winter there were 2 days of snow in London and my mum missed even them because she was away! It is strangely warm here for the middle of November, mum wore a T-shirt at work all day today, they had the heating on at school and it was far too hot.
We pray to the black fire god in our living room!
Stay warm ladies. The little snow we had last week is gone.
it's all rainy and cold here. i know we have snow comin' sometime and i hate it. when i walk in it it gets stuck between my toes and that's just gross.
What a loverly close up pikshur of you! You better snuggle in good afore it really gets wintery. We loves the fire box. It's so nice and toasty warm.
are ya gonna deecide ta come in the house this winter Mistrie? you'd like it. really.
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